Definder - what does the word mean?

What is booty pirate?

(adj)when a pirate and another pirate engage into pirate booty.

red beard: hey black beard
black beard: what some my pirate booty?
red: hell ya give me that pirate booty
black beard: spanks ass
red beard: whooo yeah i like this pirate sex matey

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booty pirate - video


Booty pirate - what is it?

act of rubbing one's cock against a fellow seaman

note: also a group activity

Join the US navy where Pirate Booty is the most popular group activity

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What does "booty pirate" mean?

When the normal definition of stank ass doesn't quiet cover it. A girl who tries to be attractive but stinks down below.

"Bro that girls bad as hell" " Nah fam she got that pirate booty"

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Booty pirate - what does it mean?

another name for calling dibs on the front passenger seat of a vehicle. Connotes the triumph of plundering treasure from fellow swabbies.

phil: "let's go to the store."
jake: "okay."
bill: "pirate's booty!"
jake: "asshole, you know i get sick in the back seat."
bill: "you're too slow. just be glad you're not sitting bitch."

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Booty pirate - meaning

ItΒ΄s a pirate expression for a hoarded treasure.

"Look Captain! ItΒ΄s the John Silver's pirate booty!"

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Booty pirate - definition

A deliciously healthy snack, or "cheese puff," made by Robert's American Gourmet snack company. Choose from 162 fabolous flavors! They taste like air, so you can't feel guilty for eating an entire package!

"Dude, you're such a Booty Head."
"F You Man!"
"Dude, all that Pirate's Booty must be goin to your head"

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Booty pirate - slang

v. to plunder treasure
n. another name for pirate treasure.

Beastie Boys: "Profesor, what's another name for pirate treasure?" Professor: "Well I think it's booty, boo, boo, boo, booty, that's what it is..."

The treasure ship sank before it became pirate booty, much to the avail of piracy.

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Booty pirate

A great tasting snack made from rice and corn with the finest ingredients in the world. Fans are called Booty Heads, eat 'em and youll be hooked.

YAR! This Pirates Booty be good, yaaaarr!!!

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Booty pirate

(Adj)A female who does not part take in any sexual activities unless in a serious relationship or heavily under the influence of alcohol

Alyssa is such a booty pirate she won't get with me till I wife it.

Someone call the Captain there's mad booty pirates.

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Booty pirate

A dude who likes to fuck ass.

The dude in jail that steals your ass and fucks you in it.
The faggots that like to recruit new faggots.
I heard Carlos fucked his woman in the butt, he is such a booty pirate.

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