Definder - what does the word mean?

What is boller?

2 midgets put together by a wizard to make this really uncomfortably tall highschool graduate. Though he’s creepily tall, he’s very funny and sweet. He’s very 50/50 with girls and has no idea what the right time is. ever. or the right thing to say. Truman also has no idea what no means, sometimes it leads to funny situations, over times you want to break his teeth. Over all, Truman is a very great friend. Please stop flirting with my friends :,)

Guy 1: Hey look it’s Truman Boller!!
Guy 2: Wow! He so tall!
Guy 3: He kinda looks like steve from stranger things if he was addicted to meth

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boller - meme gif

boller meme gif

boller - video


Boller - what is it?

one of the singers in You Say by Jackson Goulding and Truman Boller

listener one: have you heard of the song you say?
listener two: Yes! I head Truman Boller sings some of it

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What does "boller" mean?

A sentace said by Emil in math.

Jeg boller min morfar pΓ₯ en fredag

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Boller - what does it mean?

Herr Boller is mostly a Mafiaboss or a german teacher. But the most important part is taht, when he walks his Dick leaves an enourmous trail behind him.

Person 1: Who whats that crater?
Person 2: Oh no Herr Boller was here
Person 1: RUUUUNNNN!!!

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Boller - meaning

to boller someone

consider your ass bollered

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Boller - definition

person who is constantly showing off
use big time bollerizer as a comparison.

He's a total bollerizer.

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Boller - slang

When exrcreting a (usually very large) load of fecesβ€”one also scarfs down a (usually very large) load as well, at the very same time. This in and out action also brings one to climax.

Are you going out tonight, Mary?
No, just going to Boller at home, as usual.

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When football coaches ruin a rookie quarterback by babying them, in the fashion of Kyle Boller.

If they keep this up, he'll be Bollerized!

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A name of a person who gets off on pissing people off. Nobody likes a Boller...

I'm going to punch Boller in the face.

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Boller is a charming guy who can be a bit goofy and maybe irritating at times but is loved by most people.

Sometimes I just want to smack Boller!

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