Definder - what does the word mean?

What is boey?

a short but immediate ending to a conversation. credit is given to onkles for creation.

see you at 9, ok, boey.

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boey - meme gif

boey meme gif

boey - video


Boey - what is it?

A breed of dog.

β€œu are such a boey!” β€œ
β€œIt’s my new boey”

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What does "boey" mean?

Boey is the best person you will ever meet in your entire existence, they could and probably will change your life for the better. If your ever get to meet a Boey of your own, consider yourself lucky.

β€œhey, is that Boey ?”

β€œyea, yea it is. :)”

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Boey - what does it mean?

A boy who lights up a room with his smile 😬

He will make you smile and laugh and make your day a hell of a lot better πŸ™Œ

Boey makes you smile πŸ˜ƒ

Boey (name meaning)

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Boey - meaning

An amazing sack, we love him, we can't live without him. We would love to sleep with him

Person 1: who's Scak Boey

Person 2: if you know, you know

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Boey - definition

He is the 3rd gayest motherfucker. He wants to fuck weng yew ( no homo ) he is very gay. He is also very gay. He is often described as gay. He also wants to fk miya

β€œHaha elijah boey u want to fuck miya? U like 2d girls lol”

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Boey - slang

a type of male figure. a word you say when you are supprised
pronounced 'b-oh-ey'


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A plastic bong

Have a boey mate

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Who are we kidding, it just means 'bye'

I see that you are leaving my room now, Boey, have a nice day.

To abruptly end a conversation, "K Boey"

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