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What is bobs for apples?

when a girl jacks you off while sucks your balls

john:Justin bobbed my apples last night
justin: oh it was a pleasure i was just bobbing for apples

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bobs for apples - video


Bobs for apples - what is it?

When a girl goes down on u underwater

That girl was bobbing for apples in the hot tub on me last night.

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What does "bobs for apples" mean?

where a female is blind folded and on her knees and a male stands over her head and while blind folded the female has to try to suck the males balls

Tamantha went bobbing for apples with Tyron.

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Bobs for apples - what does it mean?

When one (male) lies underwater naked in a hot tub such that at least his testicles are submerged, and his partner blindfolds his or herself and attempts to retrieve said testicles with his or her mouth.

Or do this in a public swimming pool to achieve the Orchard Variation.

Also see Bobbing for Assholes.

Dude, I went bobbing for apples last night and am still flossing the pubes out of my teeth.

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Bobs for apples - meaning

Shopping, searching, scouting, etc. for Apple products to buy.

My old iPod broke yesterday, so I went to the electronics store to go bobbing for apples. That new iPhone sure looks nice...

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Bobs for apples - definition

A sexual position in which the man lies back in a bath and the woman is blindfolded & has her hands tied behind her back, and she has to find the penis and proceed perform oral sex

Sheila is the best at Bobs for apples; she always find the penis on the first try.

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Bobs for apples - slang

A teen or pre-teen girl sucking a boys dick all the way down to hitting the balls- where she may pick up one in her mouth- in oral sex, and the balls are the apple she was going for, so she is bobbing for apples.

'Like- do see that girl over there in that car, look at her go- she is bobbing for apples.'
First used in the story Nevaeh Saga- Marcel Duriez.

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Bobs for apples

during anal sex, you pull out and the hole is open wide, then you pop your penis back in and again pull it all the way out; this is repeated several times.

many pornos have this.

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Bobs for apples

When a chick deep throats a guy, he gives her an Adam's Apple; cock sucking

Many chicks go Bobbing-for-Apples on/with Ron Jeremy!

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Bobs for apples

When a female gives head while the male is sitting in a hottub or pool. Giving the illusion that she is "bobbing for apples".

"Dude, did you see Allison and Roger last night?"
"Yea, she was totally bobbing for apples."

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