Definder - what does the word mean?

What is blue-toothing?

When someone is talking loudly and pacing around for quite a while and you have to look and see if they are wearing a Bluetooth in their ear but they aren't. They are full-on talking to themselves and the voices in their heads. Not judging, just sayin'

Wondered if I could help this dude at the clinic walking back and forth in the parking lot Blue-toothing hard.

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blue-toothing - meme gif

blue-toothing meme gif

blue-toothing - video


Blue-toothing - what is it?

A bluth tooth that bonds with many people

that side kick is such a blue tooth slut

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What does "blue-toothing" mean?

The blue tooth finger is the obnoxious finger raised by an individual engaged in a phone conversation on their blue tooth headset. It generally occurs when an innocent bystander happens upon the blue tooth talker but cannot see the blue tooth device. The bystander unwittingly responds to the phone talker who then raises the blue tooth finger indicating that they are on the phone and not speaking to innocent bystander. The bystander thereafter feels a strange combination of embarrassment and anger.

Tom: I thought some guy at the grocery store today was talking to me. I responded to something he said, but then realized he was on the phone when he gave me the blue tooth finger.

Ed: That’s embarrassing. Were other people around?

Tom: Yeah. Plus, he gave me a dirty look like I should have known he had that stupid thing in his ear.

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Blue-toothing - what does it mean?

a person with a blue tooth is always going to be an ugly bitch. boy or girl it really don't matter.

also a person with a blue tooth is always cheesing
even though the bitch teeth all different colors
and shit.

p:s when you see a funny looking bitch with
a blue tooth tell that bitch
:::::::::: yous one ugly bitch :::::::::::::

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Blue-toothing - meaning

When someone is talking on a wireless cell phone. The term is usually used if you are wondering if someone is talking on their cell phone or if they are a strange person talking to themselves.

Most likely that homeless person was mumbling to himself and not Blue Toothing.

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Blue-toothing - definition

The act of sending a picture of yourself to an unknown bluetooth device, in the hope that the recipient is:
1} attractive
2) Attracted to you.
It is a contrast of being on a blind date.
Blue-toothing is generally used on trains and busses.

"I met bobby via blue-toothing"

"I heard about Blue-toothing in a magazine, and I decided to give it a try, and I sent that picture of me, you know the one where I'm wearing my nurses outfit?, I sent it to the guy with the bluetooth name <>, hoping it was the rather fitt guy who was sat infront of me on the bus... well it was. and we got talking... and OH MY GOD! {girlish rant about nothingness}

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Blue-toothing - slang

the act of using a urinal without holding onto your penis

I was in the bathroom, at the urinal, and there was some guy in there "blue-toothing" it with his hands in his coat pockets.

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