Definder - what does the word mean?

What is blet?

abbreviation of tablets/second (See Moses), first popularized by apple.

I watch Netflix on my 327 blets cable connection

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blet - meme gif

blet meme gif

blet - video


Blet - what is it?

Booty Looking Extra Thicc

My dood brandon’s blet today.

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What does "blet" mean?

a suffix for nooblet if said nooblet plays only a specific game/activity.

game: roblox
split: ro|blox



If you think nooblets are bad, wait until you hear about MINE-BLET S

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Blet - what does it mean?

A Lithuanian version of a popular russian curse word Blyat, common among Lithuanian youth. Pronounced differently. Commonly used with "Nu", which would make Nu blet = Well fuck.

Lithuanian guy 1: Hey, you got any cepelinai?
Lithuanian guy 2: Nah, only őaltibarőčiai.
Lithuanian guy 1: NU BLET!
#Lithuanian #Nublet #Hotukasdx

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Blet - meaning

blet is a term commonly used to describe your home boys, friends and your fellow niggers

"yo blet safe ting man"

"kool jamal"

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Blet - definition

An expression of mediocre-ness; not very good

How are ya doing? Kinda blet. (or) MAN BLET!!!!

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