Definder - what does the word mean?

What is binned it?

1. n. What British, Irish, and Australian people, in their wisdom, call a garbage can.

2. v. To deposit something in said garbage can. Metaphorically, to jettison a person from one's social orbit.

British Person - Please bin that rubbish.
American Person - I beg your pardon?
British Person - By which I mean, please place it in that bin.
American Person - Oh, I see!
British Person - And please do it quickly or I'll be forced to bin you as well.
American Person - I certainly wouldn't want that, friend.
British Person - Nor would I, friend. Nor would I.

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binned it - video


Binned it - what is it?

1) To be killed, or for instance when someone on screen get killed, not just slightly injured, but definitely made to be dead, in no uncertain terms, usually best said with appropriate emphasis -

2) To be totally fucked or wasted in the sense of having consumed too much narcotics or alcohol, usually a combination of both, or possibly just suffering from extreme fatigue, but conveying a total inability to move, let alone consume more substances -

1) "oh shit dude... that geezer in Dog Soldiers just got BINNED! by that Warewolf..."

2)Man #1 "dude... you want this spliff?"
Man #2 "nah... fuck that shit mate im binned!"

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What does "binned it" mean?

The word bin is Okanagan slang for party, house party, or even field party.
It is a noun meaning a group of people drinking alcohol in one place.

Originally stemming from the word binder, but shortened to bin for convenience.

"Yo bro are you hitting the bin later"
"Sean is throwing a fat bin tonight"

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Binned it - what does it mean?

Spectacles (as in glasses). "Bins" is an abbreviation of binoculars.

Check out that guy's bins! They're like the bottoms of jam jars! He must be well blind.

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Binned it - meaning

Term used in Ireland to describe drunkenness.

'Jaysis man, I was binned last night!'

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Binned it - definition


joey- "yoo madisson is in the bin"
drake- "that's fcked yoo"

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Binned it - slang

Buy It Now. If you were to buy something you can offer a buy it now price.

You offer 200? I BIN for 250.

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Binned it

Crash a vehicle in spectacular style. Crash to the point that anything you're driving or riding can only be put into the trash.

"Fucking hell. Did you see that crash in the F1? Loads of debris everywhere. I reckon anyone who drives through that will proper bin it."

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Binned it

Acronym for β€œBank Identification Number.” It is the first 6 digits of a credit or debit card. It is useful for scammers to know which types of cards are good and which types are bad.

Example: If a credit card number is

4184 8163 9163 0164
Then β€œ418481” would be the BIN.

Teejayx6: My BINs fire they all hit.

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Binned it

Bin-Bin to be beyond.

Bin-Bin is

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