Definder - what does the word mean?

What is bewming?

Poptarts commercial; guy waving hand in air saying this

>>Guy makes someone look bad << beeeeeeeeeeeeewm

👍29 👎89

bewming - meme gif

bewming meme gif

bewming - video


Bewming - what is it?

Where someone with hiv pokes a hole in a condom and infects other on purpose.

Man I've been bewming like crazy, these bitches have no idea!

👍29 👎19

What does "bewming" mean?

going really fast. roost

He went around the corner all like 'BEWM!'

👍55 👎81

Bewming - what does it mean?

A word used many, many times in the "Music" album by the band 311.

Fuck the bullshit, its time to throw down (bewm)

👍61 👎47

Bewming - meaning

Simply an alternative to the word "boom"

(does something awesome) bewm

👍47 👎13