Definder - what does the word mean?

What is best couples?

melcy is the best couple every time you wonder who is the best couple you will think of MELCY

melcy the best couple you can meet

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best couples - video


Best couples - what is it?

The best couples in the world is Malthe + Lærke Morten + Maja Lucas + Juliane or if your name starts with the letters H + K R + L A + M

guy 1 to malthe - hay whose your girlfreind

malthe to guy 1 - its Lærke she is cute
guy 1 to malthe - nice your the best couples ever

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What does "best couples" mean?

Best couple ever

We would make the best couple ever

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Best couples - what does it mean?

Best couple in the world are like Athena and Odalys!

β€œLook at Athena and odalys!”
β€œThey are like the best couple in the world!”
β€œI know right, so lucky”

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Best couples - meaning

There names normally start with a z and a j they are the most Romantic couple and want to spend lots of time together they love cuddles and β€œI love you more fights”

β€œWho do you think is the best couple ever?”

β€œI think it’s Z+J”
β€œThey are so romantic!”

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Best couples - definition

ashley and marceau levant

oh, babe. i wish we could be like adhley and marceau! they’re conspicuously the best couple ever

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Best couples - slang

max and videl.

omg babe i wish we were like the best couple ever, max and videl

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Best couples

Best couples are the letters M+A, M+H, M+R, M+G, M+N, A+M, A+R, A+K

Girl #1 "are me and my bf a good couple?"
Girl#2 "well duhhh you guys are M+A"
Girl#3 "omg thxs !!!"
Girl#3 " best couples"

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Best couples

Ami and grace

Wow ami and grace are rlly the best couple

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Best couples

When two friends become boyfriend and girlfriend. Before dating each, they have to endure bullying and sweaty armpits. A lot of confusion may arise "what do you mean." A beautiful relationship in disguise

"what do you mean we are the best couple?"

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