Definder - what does the word mean?

What is benin?

A Benin girl is a girl from Edo state, located in the south south region of Nigeria..
She is typically known for being tough and won’t take any sort of nonsense from anyone.
She is known to revenge in a big way after being messed with. Boys know not to mess with a Benin girl because they might not live to tell the story😪.. she is typically involved in jazz or “juju” as it’s commonly called and won’t spare anyone that crosses her🔥

Ehhhh didn’t you know Esohe is a Benin girl .. you had better start begging her before it’s too late”

👍51 👎25

benin - meme gif

benin meme gif

benin - video


Benin - what is it?

An african country which many people from other country comes there either to live, visit or do buisiness. The capital is Porto-novo. Benin was known as dahomey before in the olden days .It is not a very rich country nor is it poor. The people of Benin are called beninese. It is in between togo (lome) and nigeria. the people there speak many languages, its a country where everyone is friendly to each other. if about ths country well.... there is alot of things to describe and their food there too are deeeeeeeeelicious !!!. Beautiful and nice country :)
religions : christians and muslims.
languages : yoruba, hausa, french, english etc.

linda: where are you from?
mariam: am from benin.

ahmed: we learned anout this country today... was awesome... nice country
josh: hmm...relli? which country?
ahmed: benin.

👍51 👎29

What does "benin" mean?

Greek latin for 'Welsh Homie Ben' Master of teh Whales

fo shizzle benin u cant step to this

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Benin - what does it mean?

a very poor west african country. a former portuguese and later french colony. a bright spot in africa over the last few years, as its economy is growing (although not substantually) and it's actually becoming a true democracy. the most interesting fact about it to most people is its shape.

benin is shaped like a penis and balls.

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