Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Esohe?

West African for "A gift from God"
The name of the conscious, aware, and englightened.

Of high honour in Motherland.

"How do you say Esohe name? E-shoe?"
"No dummy, its Uh-so-hey."

👍79 👎21

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Esohe - what is it?

A lying cheating bitch that nobody likes

Jesus esohe is so annoying

👍29 👎67

What does "Esohe" mean?

A strong, smart girl. She's beautiful and confident, a natural born leader and very creative. She brings a different vibe when she steps in, she has a striking presence.

Esohe is my role model. She's so driven and enlightened.

👍27 👎11

Esohe - what does it mean?

A really kind and innocent person. And a good drawer.


👍43 👎13