Definder - what does the word mean?

What is bangster?

When something or someone is both banger and gangster

Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Ukraines prime minister) Is bangster

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bangster - meme gif

bangster meme gif

bangster - video


Bangster - what is it?

A Roblox gang banger

He's/She's a Ro Bangster

👍27 👎13

What does "bangster" mean?

A ganster that bangs a lot .

Oskar is a Bangster .

He is so gangster , & he banged brenda last night .

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Bangster - what does it mean?

A person that ownes or operates a bank that is used for money laundry for the mafia.

Bangster is derived from the words:
1)Banker + 2) Gangster

1) Banker = A person employed by a bank, esp. as an executive or other official.

2) Gangster = The *real* gangsters are those behind organised crime; most notably the Mafia. Responsible for blackmarket trade, epsionage, organised beatings/assassinations, etc.

The bangster was put to jail after his bank collapsed.

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Bangster - meaning

1. One who is especially good at everything.

2. The incarnation of all that is awesome.

Beast + Gangster = Bangster

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Bangster - definition

If it wasn't obvious already...

Bang + gangster(as in person) = bangster

Somebody who is teh pwn sexxorz and bangs b!znatches all the time

The bangster did 20 hofizucks in the lizast hour.

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Bangster - slang

bangster is s.o. who as a GANGSTER sells BANK-products that lead to BANG economy worldwide

Bangster are selling toxic papers

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an individual of South Asian or West Indian origin that tries to be a gangster (or may have succeeded in achieving that role).

1. That bangster is such a wannabe.
2. Scarborough's full of dangerous bangsters.

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person who gets paid a lot of money but is also affiliated in a gang

Mark is considered a bangster.

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