Definder - what does the word mean?

What is baege?

Someone who is:
1. Frequently raging over video games.
2. Enforcing their ideals upon others.
3. Self-centered.
4. A total mooch.
5. Only hanging out with friends who have things to mooch off.

Dude, Rick used to call me wanting to hang everyday. But ever since I got caught smoking weed and my parents threw away my stash, he hasn't called me since...what a doosh baeg.

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baege - video


Baege - what is it?

An alternative to the overused phrase "douche bag". It also has the added effect of sounding German.

Jesus Christ Tom is such a Dowshe Baeg. For sure!

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What does "baege" mean?

When you have a side chick who has zero personality and is beige

I was out with the homies, when my side chick came up:
" Hey Greg who is was that girl?"
"That was my side girl, she baege"

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Baege - what does it mean?

Deviation from the word Faeg, simply meaning bag. Often used in concert with Faeg. The term faeg in a baeg often meaning a homosexual that's in the closet.

Dude, that guys such a huge baeg of faeg.
Dude, that guys such a faeg in a baeg.

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