Definder - what does the word mean?

What is b.o.s?

An acronym meaning Boner On Sight

When my girlfriend walked out in her new bikini I got a B.O.S.

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b.o.s - meme gif

b.o.s meme gif

b.o.s - video


B.o.s - what is it?

means bad ass but you say it as bos. not b dot o dot s dot.

(also means Beware of Stingray. sorry steve irwin)

that was so B.O.S. fuck i love you

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What does "b.o.s" mean?

B.O.S stands for Beat off session. A B.O.S is time set aside for a male to masturbate.

- Karl can I call you back?

- Why man?

- Im gonna go have a B.O.S


- Hey Raquel, you mind giving me a hand with my B.O.S?

- Sure, anytime

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B.o.s - what does it mean?

It means when you're going for a ( Wank, Masurbate, etc )
B. = Burst
O. = Of
S. = Speed

Me> Hey fred, I'll brb.
Fred> kk, why?
Me> Going for a B.O.S.
Fred> Kk, safe!

B O S B.O.S BOS Wank Masturbate

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B.o.s - meaning

brushes off shoulder or brushing off my shoulder; used when you want a cocky way of saying thank you

jordan: dawg, you are so good at being cool
kim: b.o.s.

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B.o.s - definition

stands for Balls of steel , is used when someone does something that takes a lot of balls. so you you give them their props. is a compliment given to a true badass

dude 1-- " oh man i cant belive she just did that shes crazy!"

dude 2-- "i know man shes got some B.O.S.!"

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B.o.s - slang

stands for Beating on sighting

timmy been slipping up give him a B.O.S.

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Blast On Site- used in gang grafitti to threaten rival gangs.

Brothers Of the Struggle - meaning any gang member involved in the gang struggle

B.O.S. Lil' Mac, Blast him On Site

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Black Out Status

Kate: "B.O.S. tonight?"
Kayla: "It's a Thursday, is that even a question?!"

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B.O.S is an abbreviation for Big Ol' Softie.

A B.O.S is a guy who pretends to be tough but is actually very sensitive if you can get past his emotionless facade.

Girl #1: I heard he is self-centered and doesn't care about anything but sex.

Girl #2: Nope, Coty is a B.O.S!

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