Definder - what does the word mean?

What is authenticating?

level of authenticity

"I made up this phrase and would like to check it's AUTHENTICALITY."

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authenticating - meme gif

authenticating meme gif

authenticating - video


Authenticating - what is it?

The real shit.

Girl-Check out this bottle of sensory deprivation pills, it helps you clear your head when you want to do shit and have a lot on your mind.

Guy-I don't really need that shit, I'm good.

Girl- I am so much more than the product I am selling, I'm the real deal yo, that's why I say shit like that sometimes. And this shit works. I take it too. And my business partner here, he fuck yo mama last night and wake up in the dumpster.

Guy- I know you're trying to sell me authenticity and pills, but really, even if you weren't superficial I wouldn't need it. I really dont need shit from you right now.

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What does "authenticating" mean?

They all copy what I did and do
For a moment, you thought it was something's new.
My ideas always get stolen and used
Authentic is one, not a chance for two

The original.
The author. The creator.
The reader. The follower.

February 01, 2023

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Authenticating - what does it mean?

1. of the genuine article; trustworthy.
2. the original, not a copy.
3. when a person refuses to change, and refuses to revise improve, better, etc themself, staying the same.

I'm not changing, I'm staying the same, therefore I'm authentic.
This document isn't the original, it's not authentic.
Authentic Italian cuisine.

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Authenticating - meaning

A universal word meaning "fake version of foreign cuisine/art/music that appeals to white pseudo intellectual hipsters"

That Chinese place is so great, its so authentic and local!

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Authenticating - definition

A girl who does denies being called a vegan, vegetarian, lactose intolerant, yet never even tasted eggs, milk, any goddamn type o'meat, and most fruit and veg

You know what people like you are called? Saying it sarcastically: "Authentic"

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Authenticating - slang

1. adjective to describe an experience as a reality outside of a classroom, movie, or book.

2. adjective to describe being true to your own nature in the face of pressures to conform to local norms. Usually meaning a life that rejects modern expectations.

1. Taking students to the homeless shelter provided an authentic learning experience.

2. Joe gave up the rat race to lead an authentic life.

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Being all real and not about tha fake stuff.

Wearing your real hair, nails, and breast is keeping it authentic.

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being real and not messing with the fake or unloyal people

β€œusually i am 85% authentic, but in this case i am being 100% authentic.”

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Being who you are, listening to yourself and making your own decisions, rather than buying all the crap society foists on you. Keep it real. (authentic)

Authenticity became his primary value. My dog lives for authenticy.

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