Definder - what does the word mean?

What is at Pace?

When using the word paced after beating somebody at something, you are referring to that fact that they have just been molested.

Ha Luke, you just got Paced!

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at Pace - video


At Pace - what is it?

Paced is a nuanced term that can be used as adjective or adverb. Its value is determined by context and tone.

"Yo bro that party last night was paced! Jessica fell out of a window after you left."
"Your girlfriend cheated on you? That's paced"

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What does "at Pace" mean?

a term used to describe the act from a person of small town status who blatantly and intentionally performs intimate and inappropriate sexual acts (preferably with a significant other of a friend or co-worker) while ensuring that the act is public knowledge for all to enjoy

"That bitch paced me and now I've got herpes"

Damn it my women left me for my friend and you all know about it. I think I have been Paced!

Brother #1: I got a problem I want to screw this girl but she is with my friend.
Brother #2: Shut the hell up, be a man and Pace that pussy.

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At Pace - what does it mean?

A acrynym for a girl from pace florida meaning

Man those girls from pace are crazy.

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At Pace - meaning

a word meaning sick, awesome, cool

guy 1: that poster's cool
guy 2: naa mate it's pace

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At Pace - definition

Pace is a chad who can sex 5 women at once. He cooks and spends his free time being a womanizer, and having the fattest cock in the world. He is extremely handsome and woman fall to his feet at first sight. He once dropkicked a man for taking a watermelon he was going to buy. The best man you will ever meet.

1girl: is that Pace
2girl: Yeah he is so hot isnt he just so submissive and breedable

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At Pace - slang

An italian word translated to english which means peace

Io voglio pace=i want peace

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At Pace

the Italian word for "peace"

used as a greeting or farewell

most often accompanied with the visual peace sign made with the index and middle finger being the only extended

-*walks into a room" Pace.

-Bye. Love you.
- Love you. Pace.

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At Pace

Referring to someones speed.

Damn you slow as shit, you cant keep up with my pace.

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At Pace

(adb) at a rate, or a certain speed

I ate a turtle at a pacely rate.

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