Definder - what does the word mean?

What is assident?

Ass Acid

I like to spew assid at my friends

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assident - video


Assident - what is it?

An accident caused by an asshole. Specifically a car assident.

On the way to work, I witnessed a car assident caused by someone texting. The assident caused traffic that inconvenieced thousands of other people. Truly an accident caused by an asshole.

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What does "assident" mean?

When you confuse a guy wearing emo fag tight pants as a girl with a nice ass. This can lead to one feeling partially homosexual.

Me and dan were drivin'... im like "fuck Dan, look at that ass" hes like "I think thats a dude!"

Me: "Shit, I made another assident!"

We then proceeded to bait him by saying: "hey dude, are you a dude?"

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Assident - what does it mean?

The food you eat that effectively causes your ass to burn when taking a dump.
Foods that cause this are normally, but not limited to:
Buffalo Wings
Mexican Food,
Indian Food

These buffalo wings are Assid, but I love em anyway.

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Assident - meaning

When you wipe your ass and accidently touch your dirty anus with your finger(s).

Harold wasn't paying attention in the bathroom and had an assident.

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Assident - definition

an accident involving one or more people being an ass

This guy was tailgating me for miles, it's no surprise we got into an assident.

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Assident - slang

A voracious pussy-licker can sometimes make a butt-related accident, hence, assident:
When you're eating a fantastic snizz and your tongue slips in her asshole. Perhaps the word is better used when it's a dirty asshole.

As soon as said accident is made, it's good to play up the situation by using baby-talk:

Man, to woman, making cute-sy frowny face: "Baby made an assident".

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oops, I had an assident.

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an accidental pregnancy resulting from anal sex.

g/f : my pregnacy test came back positive.
b/f : but i only gave it to you up the butt!
g/f : the dr.s said when you giz it can leak down and cause pregnancy.

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When you are having sex with a girl and your penis accidentally comes out too far and goes back into her asshole. She usually screams in horror.

Girl: AAAHHHH!!!!!

Guy: Sorry, babe. Assidents will happen.

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