Definder - what does the word mean?

What is assfarticals?

cool beans

-what the fuck is an assfart?
-cool beans

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assfarticals - video


Assfarticals - what is it?

A stuck up leo bitch who’s codependent and only cares about white men. Stingy asf. Very self-centered. And apparently her vagina taste like strawberries.

Boy 1: Oh my god she’s so nice
Boy 2: Are you sure about that?
Boy 1: Yea, why?
Boy 2: Cuz she’s an assfart

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What does "assfarticals" mean?

When you fart on two pieces of bread and eat it.

"Keaton was hungry so he made himself an assfart sandwhich!"

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Assfarticals - what does it mean?

Dickneck Jones’s Cousin, who also sucks at driving.

Sarah: β€œLook at this Assfart Jenkins cutting me off!”
Ella: β€œWhat’s an Assfart Jenkins?”
Sarah: β€œDickneck Jones’s Cousin.”

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Assfarticals - meaning

When flatulence is (violently and forcefully) expulsed from the rectum upon 2 slices of (white) bread.

I had an assfart sandwich for lunch. Canned tuna is getting expensive.

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Assfarticals - definition

The Best Known CS Player. Also is very damn good looking.

Damn i wish i was like AssFart, He's so sexy.

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Assfarticals - slang

a fart that comes out of your ass

i just had an assfart

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a really dumb asshole


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The particals that release from your ass when u fart. Fart

Dang who's assfarticals are in my nose right now. Booty

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Calling out a stupid person by stating the obvious.

damn, scott - you're such an assfart!

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