Definder - what does the word mean?

What is askholes?

Someone who asks for your advice but then, does the exact opposite.

Most of my friends are askholes.

👍55 👎21

askholes - meme gif

askholes meme gif

askholes - video


Askholes - what is it?

A person who constantly asks for your advice, yet always does the exact opposite of what you told them.

I told Audrey not to go out with that guy because she would just get hurt. But she did anyway, stupid askhole.

👍137 👎51

What does "askholes" mean?

An annoying individual who asks random questions with no substance or asks stupid questions without thinking.

some examples of an askhole in action

yo mate what would you do if someone came up to you and tried hitting you with their khrum?

yo mate would you ever make your bird say "gwan stick it in" before you shag her?

yo mate, want to go town?


*1 hour later*

yo mate, want to go town?

"fuck off I told you no an hour ago, when will you get it through your primate skull that I don't want to go town today....!"

yo mate, if I get some cheap pink game boy micro's you think I can make a profit on ebay?

👍251 👎107

Askholes - what does it mean?

Someone who consistently abuses internet fora and discussion boards to post stupid questions a quick google search could have easily answered. Usually withholds relevant information so that even posters trying to help cannot really solve his problem adequately. Utterly disgraceful and quick to insult anyone who refers him to google or other sources.

As a professional: the living definition of a malpractice case.

Nik (celebrity askhole extraordinaire): Quick, I need to know whether a landlord is allowed to... .

Board (grown impatient): You again? Don't you claim to be an attorney? Have a look into the relevant statute and case law or at least do you goo diligence.

Nik: Fuck you.

👍443 👎189

Askholes - meaning

A university student who wastes class time by asking for answers to questions that only he/she doesn't understand; thus annoying the crap out of his/her classmates.

Dude, I can't believe that we're paying to listen to that askhole all friggin class.

👍1541 👎707

Askholes - definition

1) A person who always asks a lot of questions and your advice, yet never takes your advice.

2) A person who is generally annoying due to amount of questions they ask.

Oh my god, he is such an askhole, he always asks for advice and does whatever he was going to do anyway.

👍93 👎25

Askholes - slang

A person who repeatedly asks for advice from multiple individuals, only to ignore aforementioned advice completely. The askhole will choose the least logical option (usually their own), skipping merrily down the path into unbridled oblivion, blissfully and willingly oblivious throughout the entire ordeal.

We can conclude that an "askhole" is a gaping, cavernous pit of stupidity, into which good, sound counsel is thrown and subsequently lost forever.

Josh: So, Liz asked me for some advice about her boyfriend the other day. She said when she's with him she doesn't feel any sort of emotion... they're just kind of existing together.

Corey: So what did you tell her?

Josh: I told her if she doesn't get anything out of the relationship she should end it.

Corey: And?

Josh: And they're getting married next month.

Corey: What a askhole.

👍257 👎39


Someone who asks many stupid, pointless, obnoxious questions.

God! Jimmy is such an askhole. He won't stop asking me about my favorite teletubby and im about to smash him in the grill, kid.

👍10713 👎1435


A person who constantly ask for your advice, yet always does the opposite of what you told them!

Me: What do you recommend for dinner here?

Friend: The pasta is good.

Me to Waiter: I'll have the steak please!

Friend: You're such an askhole!

👍4661 👎485


A person who constantly asks for your advice, yet ALWAYS does the complete opposite of what you told them to do.

"Oh my God, Rich is such a total askhole!!! He always asks me what he should do about this or that and I give him my opinion, BUT he just NEVER listens to my advice. Rich just goes ahead and does what he wants to do in the first place. I don't know why I bother. "

👍889 👎67