Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ashburn?

Rylan ashburner is a big time faggot from Swinton who thinks he’s the next Richie McCaw in rugby. He’s a lanky prick who plays rugby for folly lane. Don’t mess with him or he’ll use his rugby strength to bear hug you. He is also hated for his shitty accent and his far back hair line. He is also a big geek.

Don’t mess with Rylan ashburner

👍25 👎11

ashburn - meme gif

ashburn meme gif

ashburn - video


Ashburn - what is it?

The predator who stalks children on the streets of the wealthy suburb Ashburn.

"Hey, Dakota, did you see that rustle in the bushes?"
"OH MY GOSH Chevette, I totally did! Its probably the Ashburn Prowler! RUN!"

👍53 👎19

What does "ashburn" mean?

Little, tiny town with lots of cheap restaurants. Not much to do, everything else is like an half-hour drive. Perfect town to live in if you enjoy quiet. But beware, if you cross the railroad tracks, you have entered the hood. Windows up!

1 "Dude, what town is this???"
2 "I guess it's Ashburn, GA according to the exit sign."
1 "Oh man, I've heard of this place before! Don't go past them railroad tracks or you'll get shot!!"
2 "Thanks for letting me know..."

👍69 👎21

Ashburn - what does it mean?

Ashburn is a name given too smart people. People by the name ashburn are very cute and tall.They normally unable to smile but they have cute laughs.People by the name ashburn also love working out and think that gym is not waste of money

Person 1: Who's that

Person 2: That's Ashburn
Person 1: He's soo cute

👍27 👎19

Ashburn - meaning

someone who has a small dick, but has sexy abs. He is the person who hits the gym a lot. He will show off his abs as much as he can.

friend 1: who's that guy? I see him at the gym everyday
friend 2: That's Ashburn! He's got a small dick although he's quite fit

👍31 👎19

Ashburn - definition

Silent, Killa

'Ashburn Someone you don't notice but quiet but deadly'

👍41 👎27

Ashburn - slang

A upper-middle class suburb of Washington D.C. where average income is $130,663 and local kids are known to be addicted to various different drugs due to excessive time and allowances.

"So where you from, ho?"
"Oh well I grew up in Ashburn, I don't know if you know it..."
"Heallz yeah I know it, dat's where all da rich crackers live"
"well... actually...

👍225 👎95


A guy who like to have peanut butter parties with K-9s.

Man did you hear that Brent came home and Vito had been ashburned.

👍25 👎11


Ashburn, VA is a town in Loudoun County located between Leesburg and Sterling. The original town was built as a vacation spot for people in Washington, D.C.

But, nobody cares about that...

Today, Ashburn is an upscale planned community with some odd quirks: Despite being built by several developers, every, single, house has the same floorplan. Ashburn homes are rather large, exceeding 4,000 SqFt. Yards around these houses are smaller than the houses themselves and one can easily see into their neighbours' house as they are never more than six feet apart. No place of business is open past midnight in Ashburn, excepting gas stations. This, coupled with the youth of Ashburn's propensity for soft drugs, has caused many a drunk or stoned youth to trek to 7-11 and mill inside for at least a half-hour. Every adult in Ashburn is obsessed with fitness and is compelled to bicycle in the middle of the road regardless of whether trails are paved on both sides.

Out-of-towner: - "I had the hardest time finding your place, every house looks the same around here!"

Ashburn-er - "What do you mean?" "Our's has brick on the front"

Angry Neighbour: - "I think your son was peeping while I was changing!!!

Confused Mom: - "Our windows almost touch, we can read your newspaper when your curtains aren't drawn; I'm sure it was an accident"

Stoned Kid: - "Damn, I want a Crunchwrap Supreme!

Drunk Kid: - "Bummer dude, Taco Bell closed at midnight.

Stoned Kid: - "What's open at 1:30?

Drunk Kid: - "IHOP, 7-11...that's it

Stoned Kid: - "Slurpeeeeeeee!!1!"

Biker: - "Yay!" "I'm biking in the street!!!"

Angry Man in M6: - "What are you doing?" "Go ride the W&OD like everyone else!!!"

👍601 👎119


it is a rash due to friction on the posterior {booty}.....

I fell down the stairs, now my ashburn.
I had mexican food yesterday, now my ashburn.
I got an ashburn when i sat on the hot pavement.

👍51 👎45