Definder - what does the word mean?

What is anv?

anve- pronounced anvay. a girl with this name can come across as rude as she cannot concentrate on one thing for too long, she always wants to discover new things and is very hyper around people she trusts but she does not trust easily. she is extremely shy and quite until you get to know her and when you do get to know her she is going to be your friend for a life time, she will never let you down! but don't make her loose that trust after she has given it to you because she will never trust you again.

"anve i was talking to you!"
"oh i'm sorry there was a albino squirrel behind you"
"you need to concentrate"

👍25 👎11

anv - meme gif

anv meme gif

anv - video


Anv - what is it?

Anv means beautiful and alluring. Anv is not used much and is great if you want short name. Anv is outgoing and lovable. And is known to be creative but also pessimist. Can be your friend in need but also can show you hell if you mistreat her.

Person 1 - Did you see her?

Person 2 - Yes, she's an anv!

👍67 👎17

What does "anv" mean?


Did you just anv?

👍33 👎59