Definder - what does the word mean?

What is alexio?

He is the midget of all midgets when he wears his white shirt u kno he is in his sex drive their is nothing you can do for him not to nut in your pillow case

Aww suck my nut the fucking midget Alexio Palaxio snuck into my rooom and I slept on his white creamy nut again

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alexio - meme gif

alexio meme gif

alexio - video


Alexio - what is it?

the cutest person in the entire world that nobody can resist and everybody loves no this was not written by alexios stop

also probably a gay male

person 1:omg have u seen alexios the other day

person 2:yes he’s so beautiful

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What does "alexio" mean?

One who is very cool and brave, he's stunning inside and out, is willing to do anything for his friends and cares about other very deeply. He's ride or die and he got your back no matter what

He's so gentle and caring he's definitely Alexios

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Alexio - what does it mean?

20 November - In this day, everyone named Alexio has to buy you something that they want!

In 20 November aka Alexio giving me something day, Alexio gave me a washing hair machine as a gift for today!

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Alexio - meaning

A very hot and sexy guy. Very good and math and realy strong and big. He gets all the Asian girls and play football.

Is that Alexio Rayon Achas, he is looking fine.

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Alexio - definition

when you fumble the ball in fooball (noun)

dude i just pulled an alexio and blew the game for my team

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Alexio - slang

A genuine guy who's caring & sweet & charming. He's unique and hilarious and can light up a room from miles away. He's a ninja, but a sweet ninja. &can be a teddy bear once you get to know him. He knows he messed things up at times, but he wants to change himself for the better. He likes to make people happy; He definitely makes me happy.

What's your boo's name? His name is Alexio.

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β€œWho is called Alexios? Isn’t that an assassins creed character?”
β€œYeah, I am the assassins creed character”

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Usually a hot guy that is very athletic and sometimes dates girls that are older than him, An italian guy that is smart and tries hard in class, Most girls think that he is nice but can sometimes be annoying, can sometimes be a player

Did u see Alexio, he was very hot when he walked down the hallway.

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the goat of goats

Alexios is the goat of goats

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