Definder - what does the word mean?

What is akA?

A Brisbane Lions Footballer that can make the impossible, possible and not just in a once off in 2005 in a game against Geelong Aka kicked a goal from an angle that most would miss 99 times out of 100 and did it twice in 3 Minutes in pouring rain.

Also known for his blonde hair and dark goatie. Seen throughout the Australia winter running around in the No. 12 or Grounds including the GABBA

The is no stopping AKA today.

👍85 👎391

akA - meme gif

akA meme gif

akA - video


AkA - what is it?

the BEST paintball company their is, not only do they have fast service, they have great products.

i will be AKA ballin for LIFE, because the viking and excalibur are better than everything else!

my 03 hellfire orange streamline viking OWNS your crappy *place any kind of marker here*

👍147 👎487

What does "akA" mean?

Puerto Rican and Dominican slang for an AK47.

"La calle me llama,
oh boy I love da drama,
have you seen a boricua loco chasing you con un aka" - Daddy Yankee (on the What You Gon Do Latino remix)

👍209 👎525

AkA - what does it mean?

Alpha Kappa Alpha

she pledged AKA

👍611 👎895

AkA - meaning

aka means also known as

They are monsters aka haters.

👍41 👎17

AkA - definition

aka aka aka

Person 1: What does aka mean?
Person 2: aka aka aka.
Person 1: tf?

👍61 👎25

AkA - slang

Also known as. Pronounced as (ack-uh).

This word is useful because it takes less time to say aka than it does to say a.k.a.

I was happy when Lil Wayne aka the most overated rapper of all time was sentenced to a year in prison. I hope he drops the soap in the shower.

👍485 👎297


How to introduce a euphemism. Saying something while meaning something else.
Used in a sarcastic manner

We're going to watch a movie aka we're going to doink

You're cool aka you're a huge faggot

👍1021 👎553


Also Known As

The police are looking for John Doe AKA Samuel Pitz.
The suspect...

👍1713 👎813


It's a short hand way and abreviation to say "Also Known As"

My name is Sammy A.K.A. (Also Known As) Big Sam.

👍6613 👎765