Definder - what does the word mean?

What is afsana?

Afsana is a smart beautiful lady who will you have you on the knees with one alluring look. She has the most mesmerizing eyes, your life will change when you see her eyes light up.

Afsana knows her self-worth and will always choose herself. She's loved by many, but hated by the uglies.

Don't mistake her innocent act, she will always be one step ahead of you.

The day Afsana enters your life will be the day your life will change for good. If you ever lose her, she will always be on your mind. Having Afsana in your life is addictive, you must be aware of how powerful her love may be.

Aside from that, Afsana is truly loving and will take care of you if you're her loved one. You would be deemed lucky to have her in your life, the kind of love she provides will never be found anywhere.

Her beauty and soul is unmatchable, never lose Afsana.



👍27 👎13

afsana - video


Afsana - what is it?

The most amazing person you’ll ever meet and is the fastest swimmer on your team. You will always love her

Wow afsana’s so fast

👍51 👎17

What does "afsana" mean?

a dream;fantasy;story;legend or legacy


an amazing sexy girl who is gorgeous and intelligent. All the guys want her and all the girls envy her.

Damnnn she's fine, she must be an Afsana.

👍533 👎121