Definder - what does the word mean?

What is a wayne?

Wayne is a loving husband, friend and father. He is generous, handsome and a great kisser. Loves to play and keep things fresh and fun. He loves his family and life. Wayne is full of surprises and keeps you on your toes. He is a GREAT fisherman and loves the outdoors.
Without Wayne in my life i'd be lost.

Wayne The love of my life!

👍2781 👎1449

a wayne - video


A wayne - what is it?

Being duped, tricked, hoodwinked into thinking one thing but having the exact opposite actually occur

I waited and waited for the phone call that never came, i guess i was Wayned.

I Wayned that guy out of 20 bucks.

She was Wayned at the altar.

👍57 👎19

What does "a wayne" mean?

in german, the word sounds like the pronoun "wen". often used to express a lack of interest.

"wayne interessierts?" (who cares?)

👍2985 👎1459

A wayne - what does it mean?

To pay little or no attention to personal hygiene. Just wake up funky and go about your day without bathing, brushing your teeth, or washing your face just like cowboys would do in the John Wayne movies.

I can't believe my roommate just jumps straight up outta bed and heads to class Wayning everyday like he slept in the dirt and woke up and jumped on a horse with a bottle of whiskey.

👍51 👎15

A wayne - meaning

1. Similar to when people get mossed, people get wayne'd
(refers to indianapolis colts receiver reggie wayne), who is just that much better than randy moss

Person one: Yeah bro, we were playing football, i jumped up three feet in the air,and caught it one handed.


beastownedmossedpeyton manningjim caldwellboss

👍113 👎39

A wayne - definition

Wayne is a guy who is very loving and compassionate about everything he does, he's more thoughtful than your mother and more loving than anyone you have ever met.

Wayne =)

👍269 👎77

A wayne - slang

Wayne is derived from Greek Mythology. He was the god of cool. Whenever fun was needed they would call upon this mighty god. Very few are given this name today due to the burden of greatness it bestows upon the person. Ancient scripts indicate the name is to be reserved for one man who it is said will rise again to power sometime during or after the turn of the 21st Century. It is written he will bring fun back into the world.

He also smells like fucken Jesus!!

This party sucks!!!
Yes we must call on the party god known only as "Wayne".
Dude this is like the best party ever now it is totally cool!

👍63 👎15

A wayne

A guy, probably the most amazing guy you will ever meet. He will sweep you off your feet from day one, surprise you, love you and treasure you. He will treat you like a princess and respect you, wait for you and make you feel like you can trust him until the end of your days. He will call you beautiful everyday until you start to believe it yourself, carry you through every problem, and be that shoulder to lean on whenever you need him.

Just seeing him makes you smile, his laugh makes your heart melt and his eyes are the most beautiful things you have ever seen.

Also, he smells like fucking jesus.

Person A: Hey, you are such a Wayne.
Person B: Thank you for the compliment. ;)

👍1807 👎395

A wayne

1. The feeling of helplessness that occurs after being screwed over by Wayne State University

1. Class schedule: 'incomplete'

Administrator: Sorry, the classes you have selected are full, please register for them next semester.

You: But I submitted all of the paperwork to you early!

Administrator: Oh, I lost it. Too bad for you.

You: fml. just got wayned.

2. Administrator: you must pay $200 in late fees. your tuition was late

you: I paid it on time, the exact amount you told me to.

Admin:That was the wrong number. You should have double checked with me 'later'.

You: what?

Admin: $200. Now.

You: fml. wayned again.

👍111 👎21

A wayne

a really ugly trampy bloke, who cannot stop gambling

Aaron: Yo Chris, remember that boy from our football tour?
Chris: Who George?
Aaron: Yeah that one!
Chris: He was such a wayne!!

👍33 👎29