Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Zel's?

That kind of person who loves buying school supplies, specially color markers. Sensitive, picky, responsable, and reserved person.

She can keep secrets sometimes and sometimes not, it will depend the importance but it will never disappoint you.

A good gossip is a good idea!

You are privileged if you have one Bets in your life because there’s not to many.

I bet-zel you to do it

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Zel's - meme gif

Zel's meme gif

Zel's - video


Zel's - what is it?

A shout of acclamation or excitment. Can be used when a joke is told and no one laughs at the punchline.

So the mushroom says to the bartender, "I'm a fungi!" Then when no one laughs you shout, "ba-hoy-zel"

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What does "Zel's" mean?

An enthusiastic exclamation in conjunction to a statement.

Whats so funny? ...Den-zel!

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Zel's - what does it mean?

Something Zany,Seziure

David: Hey It Looks Like That Person Has Eliepsy!

Ivan: Ok Lemme Show Him Some RainbowsssΛ’Λ’Λ’β‚›β‚›β‚›

Disordered Guy: *Gets Zel*

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Zel's - meaning

I deadass put this here myself cause my legal name dosent have a definition other than the fictional character (go on guess my name )

Zel not zoe or zelle

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Zel's - definition

alternative for creative

this art is so zel

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Zel's - slang

Weed; to smoke weed

Yo you wanna zel?
Yea just picked up. Lets go

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A real nigga. Like I'd spread my legs for him. Welcome him with an open mouth.

"he's a zel chile...I gotta fuck"

"Zels are soooooo hawt"

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Literally the best person you will ever meet. A sarcastic but sometimes soft. Indecisive with everything.

zel is really cool

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Cool, awesome, rad, epic.

Your new car is seriously zel.

The Dark Knight Rises is going to be zel, I can't wait.

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