Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ZEROS?

Definition- To take away something (ie to give them 0% of something, or take away 100% of something)

Stop that or I'll give you zero %.

👍59 👎21

ZEROS - meme gif

ZEROS meme gif

ZEROS - video


ZEROS - what is it?

1. The number 0, nothing.

2. The name of a Japanese Kamikaze Aeroplane.

3.One of the cool names people love to use.

4.Zackenberg Ecological Research Operations

5.Zoning and Emotional Range Omitted (anime)

6.Name of an A-class (now S) Maverick Hunter and X's best friend in the Megaman/Rockman X series. He also features in his own series, Megaman Zero. He have several names given by the fans such as the Crimson Devil, Captain Kamikaze and Zero Omega. He is also the last Wilybot (robots constructed by Dr.Wily) and he's the original carrier of the Maverick Virus.
He's famous for his long, long, loooong blond hair, red armour and his sabre. Earlier on, he's famous for his devil-may-care attitude and rather reckless style. Now he's cool and clear-headed, particularly after Iris died.
Living up to his name, in the first X game he self-destructed to save X's life from Vile. He came back in the second game, and sacrificed himself AGAIN in the fifth. But he still came back in the next instalment.
In the Zero series which is set after 100 years of the X series, he's the main hero, helping the rebels to fight against an anarchy rule. Only time will tell to reveal if he's the true Zero...or not.
However, without doubt, Inafune the creator os Zero obviously shows he loves Zero more...*sob*

With a swipe, every enemy fell around Zero to his glowing green sabre.

👍763 👎305

What does "ZEROS" mean?

An anime character from Vampire Knight (first released in 2008) based off of the manga (first published in 2005).

Person #1: "Who is that?"
Person #2: "Zero Kiryu from Vampire Knight."

👍115 👎33

ZEROS - what does it mean?

killed; murdered

1.-Rayrey: "Last time you seen Fontello?"
2.-Junebug: "Damn man, where the hell you been? Fontello got Zeroed two years ago! Say he was banging some skank and her husband caught 'em! Husband got a little bent and Zeroed your boy!"

👍71 👎15

ZEROS - meaning

Something not to divide by.


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ZEROS - definition

The number of girlfriends / boyfriends single people have

im single and have zero girlfriends

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ZEROS - slang

When you're smoking weed and you take a hit and you hold in 100% of the smoke from the inhale, exhaling *zero* smoke from the hit. Done in order to get maximum effect from the weed. Requires great skill and is worthy of respect from other smokers.

"Yo I was ripping a B with Joey Fatone the other day and he was totally zeroing every time ... insane!"

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When you smoke something in public and you can't let anyone see it so you hold it in your lungs long enough that when you blow out there is no smoke

I hit that pen so hard and my mom walked in my room but it was all good because I can zero it really well

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The point on the map where the equator meets the prime meridian. It's like in the Atlantic ocean off the eastern coast of Africa

"Hey Jude, have you ever been to zero zero?!"

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When you are talking with a friend online and you want to watch a video together. You both go to zero minutes zero seconds, so the time reads 0:00. Then you count down and press play after go (not on go). If you press play on go your reactions will be a second ahead and you'll ruin the illusion.

A: "Hey zero zero zero this movie with me."
B: "Dude you always pick the worst movies. Let's zero zero zero something I pick this time."

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