Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Yoch?

yoch balls is when you have cum bubbles in your pubic hair.
similar to yochum. or yoching

yochum yoching yochballs / yoch balls

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Yoch meme gif

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Yoch - what is it?

A harder sounding bitch. Often used when stressed or in a heated talk.Used in conjuntion with other adjectives.

That B Yoch stole my watch and slept with my friend!

👍95 👎79

What does "Yoch" mean?

a common greeting, ie. Hello, Hi, Yo

"Yoching my brotha. What up?"

👍27 👎19

Yoch - what does it mean?

That tasty parcel of skin betwixt one's sack and one's anal cavity. Mmmmm.

"Her cooking tastes like my yoch, but I'm hungry, so whatever."

👍61 👎87

Yoch - meaning

The nickname of the famous Oswaldo Sandoval, He has the biggest dick out of el trio (Mamel, Tabu)

Yoch is a chad

👍27 👎13