Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Windsock?

A tatty windsock is a loose, hanging well worn vagina. Often caused through child birth or copious amounts of sexual intercourse.

Michelle Willis has a very tatty windsock after giving birth to her 10th child.

Ben said I'm not going near that tatty windsock.

That slag's windsock is getting more tatty daily.

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Windsock - meme gif

Windsock meme gif

Windsock - video


Windsock - what is it?

The act of blowing a queef on a ball sack.

Last night, Airwrecka queefed on my balls. It's called a Wyoming windsock.

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What does "Windsock" mean?

To render one's anus or vagina in a graphical state of distress, as a result of a particularly violent bowel movement or penetrative intercourse.
The description comes from the similar appearance to the ripped edges of a windsock (an item of metrological equipment used to establish wind speed/direction) as used at airports/flying schools, etc., which have become tattered as a result of excessive weather conditions.

"God, that curry last night was awesome - my arse puckered starrusty sheriff's badgechocolate tea towel holder this morning was like a tattered windsock"

"He was hung like a horse; my twat vadgegrowleryeti's welly looked like a tattered windsock afterwards"

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Windsock - what does it mean?

A publication our of Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point. Demands human sacrifices.

The Windsock stole my soul, then told me about the return of Marine Attack Squadron 542!!

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Windsock - meaning

noun; a hybrid canadian/vermonter with a fetish for liquid cheese

"That Fuckin' Sok won't quit until we all live in trailer parks."

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Windsock - definition

getting air in the condom

oh shit! We've got a windsock situation on our hands!

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Windsock - slang

A term used to describe "long saggy" tits.

How do you call yourself a cougar when your windsocks hang down to your waste.

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When one man is penetrating another man up the bum, goes in too deep, thus resulting in second man's intestines being pulled out his rectum, resulting in something that looks rather like a windsock.

Jimmy was doing Bob up the arse lastnight. Of course he went too deep and Bob ended up with a nasty windsock.

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A noun usually used to replace the insult "pussy" or to describe a girl who is very permiscuous and is known to have a loose vagina. Reference of winsock deals with the floppyness of the vagina as it would appear blowing in the wind.

1.)Dude slam some of that vodka you windsock.

2.)Did you guys see that nasty bitch?

-Yeah she totally had a gnarly windsock.

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The foreskin of your penis covering the head of your penis making it resemble a "windsock"

Tom:Yeah man when I got out the pool i had a windsock!
Bob: Yeah me too!!

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