Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Whizzy?

Word used to define somebody who spends most of their life passing wind.
Someone who farts and doesn't give a f**k who's heard it. (Trains, Buses, Pubs etc...)

Claire: *Farrrrrrrrt*

Callum: "Corrrrr bloody hell Whizzy Bum! Filthy Bitch."

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Whizzy - meme gif

Whizzy meme gif

Whizzy - video


Whizzy - what is it?

Iced Tea...

"yo dawg lets make some whizzy whizz,"

"fo sho"

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What does "Whizzy" mean?

A phrase used by non-technical people to describe technical things in a self-derogatory way.

Them millennials and their whizzy wig phones.

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Whizzy - what does it mean?

Someone, typically a male, who gets turned on very easily.

β€œYeah, we were doing stuff last night and he’s such a whizzy dick”

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Whizzy - meaning

A slang term for the Elizabeth Line in London, UK. The train line is fast and traverses from west to east London via an Underground Tunnel.

You better take the Whizzy Lizzy if you want to make the Opera on time

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Whizzy - definition

1 a real fat cat that eats all day
2 a person hit up on speed

1 look at that whizzy
2 look at that IDIOT hes been on speed all night

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Whizzy - slang

Slang for vagina in Scotland

hey can i eat your whizzie

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Really really lame way of saying something is good. If you say this word, and are under the age of 50, you deserve to be buried up to the neck in sand and left to vultures

What do you think of my new car?

Wow, it's...*thinks of word to say*...really, whizzy

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Glitzy; overly flashy; more style than substance. Usually applied to web sites or applications.

Oooh, look at the spinning graphics... so whizzy.

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A form of being dizzy and ill while experiencing sick symptoms. When you are whizzy, you are feeling nauseous, extremely lightheaded, ill, and extremely exhausted.

" The man was feeling whizzy and wanted to sleep the whole day through"

"The doctor gave the man medications, because he was feeling "very whizzy

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