Definder - what does the word mean?

What is White girl wasted?

To get completely drunk, wasted or sloshed to the point where you can no longer control yourself physically or mentally. Term originally given to younger white girls, mainly college freshman, after they consume way too much alcohol. This commonly results in overall incoherency, and brief "skankyness" before a quick emotional breakdown. Which are all followed up by the process of destroying the party through multiple drunken slurs and complete trashyness and finally passing out in an upstairs bedroom because they are too drunk to make it home.

Yo you see that girl Chanelle Storlie (made up name) last night??? That chick was white girl wasted!

👍2555 👎1217

White girl wasted - video


White girl wasted - what is it?

Singing along enthusiastically to "Call Me Maybe" while pointing at people during the "Hey, I just met you and this is crazy" part. After the song ends, you start telling your friends (and people you just met) how much you love them. Then you steal some wings off of a strangers table while they're in the bathroom (probably along with their beer). The next morning you realize you were texting your ex the whole night and accidentally made out with a lesbian.

Cara is always getting white girl wasted

👍1379 👎515

What does "White girl wasted" mean?

The phenomenon which occurs when a person consumes too much alcohol and proceeds to embarrass themselves and their friends for however long they remain conscious. It is usually characterized by off-beat dancing, the stripping of clothes, groping strangers, the overwhelming smell of fruity alcohol, and a general sloppiness that can only be associated with drinking.

Leah: "Dude, you should have seen Amber at the club the other night. She had like, eight shots of whipped cream vodka and then started taking her clothes off and dancing up on strangers. Super sloppy."
Dude: "Omg, really?"
Leah: "Yeah, she was totally White Girl Wasted."

👍863 👎161

White girl wasted - what does it mean?

When a male has sex with a Caucasian female in the vagina while getting drunk from a alcoholic beverage bottle lodged in her anus

"Dude I white girl wasted the bitch last night!"

👍45 👎117

White girl wasted - meaning

Meg Boyd

I saw a girl at the bar last night do 13 jager bombs, get on the table to dance - fell off the table - repeat... she learned I think but she definitely white girl wasted

👍33 👎27

White girl wasted - definition

when you go to another drunk girls house and she stole your frap and you get extremly drunk because of how white girl wasted you are. btw ur white if you didnt know and everyone else is also white. You start singing along to random japanese songs and completey failing, Pretending you`re mexican and waking up to find 5 miss calls from your self and also finding all night you were making out with a cow,


👍29 👎13

White girl wasted - slang

Lifestyle Flashy phrase meaning to get very drunk and make dumb decisions. Most commonly applied to guys, in ironic fashion.

Yo, does Brian have a lampshade on his head? He is white girl wasted.

👍347 👎625

White girl wasted

Getting so drunk at a party or event that everyone suddenly knows you bc you puked in 2 cars and an uber.

Last night at the MP ball, Villegas got white girl wasted

👍45 👎25

White girl wasted

To become so drunk that you end up with your head in a toilet crying about how nobody will ever love you.

Girl: I hate my life I'm ugly and fat and no one will ever love me

Friend: you're so white girl wasted

👍513 👎275

White girl wasted

To be black out drunk and extremely sloppy. Often including acting embarrassing, singing songs like " dont stop believing" by journey, possibly table dancing.

" OMG Tina was white girl wasted last night, did u see her try to pole dance on the metal detector?"

👍929 👎485