Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Whale shit?

A term to describe a guy who plays with girls feelings

He lead her on and broke her heart! he's whale shit!

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Whale shit - video


Whale shit - what is it?

A term to describe a guy who plays with girls feelings

He lead her on and broke her heart! he's whale shit!

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What does "Whale shit" mean?

When your average insult just will not do the trick. This is the lowest form of life on planet earth. Basically a douchebag to the nth power.

Lane Kiffin is a piece of whale shit son of a bitch!

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Whale shit - what does it mean?

The lowest shit in the world. At the bottom of the sea.

Fake news medias morales are lower than whale shit.

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Whale shit - meaning

A term to describe a guy who plays with girls feelings

He lead her on and broke her heart! he's whale shit!

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Whale shit - definition

Fraternity slang for a pledge, also known as a new member

β€œGet the whale shits here. We need to clean the house from last night”

β€œthe whale shits had to wear dildos on their heads”

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Whale shit - slang

1) An analog used in comparison to the physical appearance of one’s wife after a period of domestic toil. Possibly made in an attempt at sympathy --by an idiot.

Mr. Johnson: "Hi hon, what’s for supper? Have you seen my USB beer opener? Whoa! Honey! You look like a bag of freshly smashed whale shit."

Mrs. Johnson: β€œGo fuck your hat Randy; I’m sleeping with your little brother!”

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Whale shit

Something that is moving very very slowly

This person serving us food is moving as slow as whale shit

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Whale shit

Donald Trump. and his entire grifter, inbred, dumpster fire family

This guy is the biggest piece of shit I’ve ever seen. Sketchy, rapey, lardass, illiterate, and inhuman by all accounts. He’s goddam Whale Shit.

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Whale shit

An expression indicating the lowest position possible. An extremely low point emotionally or in life circumstances. From the assumption that whale shit reaches the bottom of the deepest oceans, the lowest point on the earth.

"When I heard that my biatch had left me for Urkel I felt lower than whale shit."

"Dawg, you shunnah had called that judge a snatch-lick. You goin' down, cuz! You be lookin' up at whale shit!

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