Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Wessel?

The state of being completely intoxicated whereas one or more of the below stated instances may occur: pissing one's pants and/or bed, spouting obsenities at inappropriate times and audiences, losing one's wallet/cell phone/car keys, istigating fights with persons larger than one's self, losing consciousness on unknown private property, drooling on one's self.

Dude, I was got so wesseled last night I got in a fight, lost everything in my pockets, went home with a fatty, and pissed my pants, and barely escaped this morning without her catching my real name. Man I was wesseled!

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Wessel - meme gif

Wessel meme gif

Wessel - video


Wessel - what is it?

Wessel is a strong man with a terribly large cock. Because of his large penis he gets a lot of respect from other males and females. Some might say a Wessel gets all the chicks at the party.

Nice cock Wessel!

👍27 👎13

What does "Wessel" mean?

Amazing guy with huge horse cock. Loved by men and women (and everything in between) of al ages. Will fuck your sister and your mom (and dad but that is optional) is believed to be a Demi-god

That guy is a Wessel, so keep your girl away from him

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Wessel - what does it mean?

Geeky nerd xbox fanboy.
Lover of everything IT.

Wessel: I LOVE playing XBOX!

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Wessel - meaning

The word given to define a person who considers himself to know everything there is to know - depsite the fact that he knows nothing! Everyone else around them knows this ... and he seems oblivious to the fact!

I can't stand this guy, he's such a Wessel !

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Wessel - definition

Wessels are one of the sweetest, most genuine people you will ever meet. Always there for his friends, supportive, honest, and loyal. Wessels are most definitely your ride or die. They'll be there till the end. ❤❤❤

Man, I'm so glad I met a guy named Wessel, cause' he's amazing!

Wessel is my husband and were getting married soon!

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Wessel - slang

A sheepfucker.

Frank: You hear that noise?
Bert: Yeah. Wessel's fucking sheep again.

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Very sexy and have big dingus poops always on the floor and needs to shit

I wanna be wessel

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A very cool and powerfull guy! Everybody knows him. He is super sexy and handsome!!

#cool #handsome #sexy #crazy #power

Wow there's wessel!

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A wessel is an awesome person, that's just all around great and loved by many! Certain people who are uninformed of the definition, may use the word as an insult, which it clearly is not.

Certain person: "You are such a wessel!"

Girl: "Well thanks!"

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