Definder - what does the word mean?

What is WAXES?

Describes when someone gets beaten very badly in a game or competition.

Ron : You were beating everyone at cards

last night.

Don : You’re darn right. I waxed their asses!!!

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WAXES - meme gif

WAXES meme gif

WAXES - video


WAXES - what is it?

A vinyl record; LP.

Im still listenin' to wax im not usin the CD. -Beastie Boys, Sure Shot

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What does "WAXES" mean?

worthwhile pain to get wonderfully smooth legs that stay like that for about 3 weeks.

Guy: Damn it girl how do you get pins that smooth?
Girl: I've just had my waxing done

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WAXES - what does it mean?

The act of being killed, more than likley because of a deal gone bad.

Timmy T got waxed last night becuase he couldent pay up.

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WAXES - meaning

Can be used to refer to masturbating or to a person being stupid. (aka douching it)

Johnny was playing gta and waxing it hard.

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WAXES - definition

Overcharging for something. Used interchangeably with β€œtaxing”

β€œ$50 for a haircut? Damn they’re waxing”
β€œYou paid $70 for this? Aww, they waxed your ass.”

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WAXES - slang

Can be used to refer to masturbating or to a person being stupid. (aka douching it)

Johnny was playing gta and waxing it hard.

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ok actually on wax reffers to anything recorded in a recording studio. (a throwback to when records had wax grooves)

yo, man, i wanted to kill these nigga's but decided to keep the beef "on wax". Let em hear it in the street!

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Weed product that is needed for the dab rig. An avetard is obsessed with this because he knows he will enable him to hit the rig. Once an avetard obtains wax, the boys will most likely use that shit up within 3 days and will need to get more.

Norman "Nick"'s pothead ass bought $200 worth of fucking wax and locked it up in his room and then he would sell dabs to the rest of the avetards if they wanted to use his wax.

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A highly concentrated form of THC, similar to Hash, that is a waxy substance and smoked to get high

Hey I scored some Wax lets go blaze it up

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