Definder - what does the word mean?

What is WADA?

This Character is from a famous game in japan Taiko no tatsujin and if you think he’s a waste of oxygen you are wrong and deserve to die

Wada-Don is cute

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WADA - meme gif

WADA meme gif

WADA - video


WADA - what is it?

Tippie toe on my cappa-town. Shimmy shine dally cleepa-sank.

Tippie toe on my cappa-town. Shimmy shine dally cleepa-sank.

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What does "WADA" mean?

1. Yes or a Positive response; That's for sure
2. A victorious ending to a sentence or arguement
3. An expression of happiness or Joy
4. Sine Your Pitty on the Runny Kine

1. "Do you like cheeseburgers?"
2. "That's why I'm better then you. Wada-tah"

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WADA - what does it mean?

nice ass! but not as good as dan's. a lil lebenese boy thatz fine as hell
occasionally likes to smear it.

wow i'd like to tap that wadas

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WADA - meaning

to be off that dead people's fluid, usually put on a blunt, or cigarette, mostly used in the dallas, texas area, already

man I'm so throwed, leaning hard, my people's gave me a blunt dipped in that wada, you off that wada haha.

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WADA - definition

pigin (hawaiian slang) for easy, like nothing, no challenge. derived from the word "water"

brah you know dat one chick from last night. I when tax um like wada

brah my car do 160 like wada

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WADA - slang

"what a"

"wada" big cock

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A ghetto way of saying/spelling water

"I want some wada." The boy said to his mom
"Use propper english boo, you mean water." the mom replied

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A acronym for We All Die Anyways. Synonym for YOLO and FISH.

John: Lets go bungee jumping.
Kyle: Alright....WADA.

Cheung: You are a little bitch.
Trent: Fuck you cuh WADA

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We All Die Anyway

"YOLO cause you only live once!"
"WADA we all die anyway!"

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