Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Vlogging?

a video blog

dude, did you watch that vlog on YouTube?

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Vlogging - meme gif

Vlogging meme gif

Vlogging - video


Vlogging - what is it?

A video bragging about how much better the creator's life is compared to yours.

VLOGGER: My life is so interesting. I record every second of it.
Human Dictionary: Define {narcissist.

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What does "Vlogging" mean?

Simply put: a blog in video form, most likely found on

"Did you see Tony the Tiger's vlog last night?"

A sample vlog on youtube:

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Vlogging - what does it mean?

Talking to the camera like it's a person

Typical vlog
You: "Hello world! How's your day today?"

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Vlogging - meaning

A video log. A journalistic video documentation on the web of a person's life, thoughts, opinions, and interests.

A vlog can be topical and timeless, instructional and entertaining. The main thread is trying to communicate on a personal level with your audience.

Zadi decided that setting up a daily vlog was the best way to show the sun setting in the west to her friends living in the east.

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Vlogging - definition

something that doesn’t exists it is in reference to the youtuber georgenotfound who tricked his followers into thinking a vlog of him and other youtubers dream, and wilbur slot met up and filmed the interaction, the vlog doesn’t exist

β€œhey didn’t we have homework last night?”

What? no our homework is like the vlog

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Vlogging - slang

1.The act of blogging in person. Ussally about topics such as, douche bags, dicks, and other faggots. 2. The act of remaking a word.

1. Me and my friends were vlogging about the faggot kr.
2. We were tired of the word ninja bring over used, so we vloged it to Shadow Slinger.

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It's a blog, but in video form. This is the definition of Vlogging from FootofaFerret

Man 1: Hey dude, what's vlogging?
Man 2: Oh! it's just blogging in video form!
Man 1: What?

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A blog that uses digital videos as entries instead of text.

I added that video of my cat eating onto my vlog today.

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Vlogging is a combination of the words video logging. Many people believe the word to be a combination of the words video blog, but blog is a shortened form of web log.

Bob: Hey Will, what are you doing today?

Will: I'm thinking about vlogging today.

Bob: What is vlogging?

Will: Its like a journal, but you talk to a camera and post the video on YouTube. Sometimes people watch them and overtime you may get a following.

Bob: Cool.

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