Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Two twenty?

1. when some is very jazz like.

2. when you cant be arsed with the word cool or more descriptions.

3. when you want someone to be confused by your opinion on something.

"that film was... erm twenty two skidoo"

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Two twenty - video


Two twenty - what is it?

an undeterminted amount of time. example: "I will be back in twenty-two and a half..." That means you will be back but it could be in 22 minutes or 22 days... the answer is unlimited. finally we have a word that means this... for god sake use it!

"i will be back in twenty-two and a half"

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What does "Two twenty" mean?

A way in which to say "2011". This is effective because "11" resembles two sticks.

Man 1: Happy Twenty Two-Sticks, bro.

Man 2: Sounds like a plan.

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Two twenty - what does it mean?

A low caliber rifle, very little destructive power.

Brian shot me in the head with his .22 and I walked away

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Two twenty - meaning

The worst number ever. To Catch 22 is the impossibility to win

They gonna catch twenty two for fucking me over

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Two twenty - definition

The second funniest number in existance. Can be used to answer almost any question. The number really just has a decent ring about it

joe:"man how much longer do we have to wait?"
tim: "about twenty-two minutes"
joe:"lol twenty-two"

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Two twenty - slang

22 inch wheels used to modify an automobile that typically is fitted with smaller wheels.

Man I just put twenty twos on my ride.
It is a bitchin ride now

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Two twenty

When a man is kicked in the testicles, resulting in blackouts, inability to walk, and a jelhon.

"That guy got twenty-twoed."

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Two twenty

The offering of two small rocks of crack cocaine for twenty dollars.

"Hey brotha, two for twenty, two 'fo twenty"

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Two twenty

Meaning nothing of consequence, a false alarm or a boring bland activity.

A fart with no smell or sound.

β€œHow was the party?”
β€œTotal bust, ended up being a two twenty eight”

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