Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Tov?

Congratulations. Often used in a jocular or sarcastic manner.

1. Becky: "It's my birthday today."
Moe: "Mazel tov."

2. Moe: "I just failed my chem paper."
Becky: "Mazel tov. Good luck getting into uni."

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Tov - meme gif

Tov meme gif

Tov - video


Tov - what is it?

A greeting of congratulations from a Jewish cat.

What?? You're pregnant with kittens, Willow-Kitty?!?! Meowzel Tov!!!

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What does "Tov" mean?

A phrase you say to a certain friend/relative who just said something incredibly unrelated to the current situation.
the phrase is commonly used on people called dor, who are just unironically dumb.

Example 1
dor: did you know about that thing in the sky called sun? i tried looking at it today and my eyes hurt..
person 2: "tov dor".

Example 2
dor: can you please stop with that joke, it offends me..
everyone else: "tov dor".

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Tov - what does it mean?

when someone's giving you bullshit but you just don't care

Me: "tov ahi"

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Tov - meaning

Rofl tov pronounced (raw-full-tah-v) is a combination of the common acronym ROFL and the hebrew phrase of congratulations Mozel tov. It may be used when confronted with a joke or humorous situation that merits the rolling of a person on the floor whilst laughing vigorously!!! Rofl tov is used to congratulate the teller of said joke or facilitator of said situation for being SOO GOSH DARN FUNNY!!!!

use as directed:
-whilst toasting with an alcoholic beverage
-accompany with a fist pump!!!
-Pronounce ROFL TOV with authority

(we don't half ass this $H13T)

BROLLO> MAn! when luke found out he kissed his own sister, hey was all like DAAAAMN SON!!!!

<BRODA> A path to the Dark Side, that is. Restraining order in young Skywalker's future, I foresee!

ROFL TOV!!! BRODA, you soo gosh darn dyslexic..... errrmm i mean funny! right... Funny!

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Tov - definition

Said in the song "I Got A Feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas. Means good luck,congragulations,cheers. It is a friendly term.

Black Eyed Peas- Fill up my cup. Mazal Tov.

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Tov - slang


at a bar/bat mitzvah u wuld say congratulations to the person being bAR/BAT mitzvahed "Mazel tov!"

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Jamaican slang for the swear word 'cunt'.
Can be also used as another word for 'clit' or 'clitoris'.

Example 1
Man: "Oi love! Show us your tov!"

Example 2
Woman: "My tov is moist"

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means "good" (hebrew language)

"layla tov" means good night.

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The guy in your class that will always be the funny one, even when he is not trying he is making everyone laugh.
He is the kind of guy that will randomly start bleeding from the nose, and start grunting. No one knows why he grunts, he just does it. Sometimes he will sleep, but you should take a picture of him, because you will never ever see a Tov sleep again.
He will also never get a girlfriend, but all the girls will think of him as a brother.

YES! I got a Tov in my class.
He is the best roommate ever!! He is such a Tov.

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