Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Thursty?

Single, often men, defined as Thursty are guys or gals that think highly of themselves and physical appearance. Potentially shallow and holds high standards for the looks of his/her partner. These guys are often scouring the internet leaving comments on videos of women/men that they think are within their league and try to be noticed by obvious thirsty emoticons.

These dudes in the comments be Thursty, especially you chad, with the "πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ‘ΈπŸ‘πŸ˜˜πŸ€«πŸ˜"

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Thursty - meme gif

Thursty meme gif

Thursty - video


Thursty - what is it?

when a girl gives a shitty blowjob that takes a long time for guy to cum he emmediately begins to pee after the cum into the girl's mouth

that was the worst blow job ever! it took forever and i had such a piss built up i thursty bulldogged her. that'll show her for giving me a shitty blowjob

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What does "Thursty" mean?

A great day of the week to show your liver who's boss, and the perfect day to build your tolerance for the upcomming weekend binge.

A Dude, you going to get fuckerd up tonight?
B Does a monkey throw shit?

A That's right. It's.....
B It's thursty thursday you fucking twat!

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Thursty - what does it mean?

The person performing the Thursty Trombone holds a sausage in his/her mouth, applies it to the receiver's anus that way, while giving the receiver a handjob.

I got a Thursty Trombone an hour ago, that's why my farts smell like a barbeque.

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Thursty - meaning

P.I. muthafuckin M.P reppin' North Palm Beach FLA, BITCHES!!!

Ay girl, der dat boy THURSty, lets go try and get us a peeezzzzaaa dat fine ass.

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Thursty - definition

of a homosexual nature

Man you are thursty

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Thursty - slang

When Ur hungry for wiener or vag but you have a ugh face with expressions of honest non pleasure moments of grief

Did you see Tray the other day? He had that Thursty face scared the shit out of me girl! Was drooling with expressions of mania with twisted thoughts of rubbing me down for that ground pound. Ya girl he was "Thursty".

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