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What is Thoughts and Prayers?

When you hear about a tragedy that is not affecting you at all but you still have to act like you care so you say "Thoughts and prayers" to pretend you actually give one shit.

Person 1: "Did you hear about the boat that sink the other day with four families?"
Person 2: "Yeah, thoughts and prayers"

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Thoughts and Prayers - video

Thoughts and Prayers - what is it?

The most polite, thoughtful and socially validating way to say "I don't give a fuck" when something horrible happens.

"Becky fell down the stairs and broke her ankle!"

"eh, thoughts and prayers"

"you're a great person!"

👍117 👎31

What does "Thoughts and Prayers" mean?

I couldn’t care less (but one must keep up appearances, right?)

Frenemy has a family tragedy. "Thoughts and prayers."

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Thoughts and Prayers - what does it mean?

An expression of indifference to tragedy intended to seem empathetic.

Hollow gestures trivializing loss.

"Yes, I know you want action to keep shooting sprees from happening to someone else. I'll send thoughts and prayers."

👍2097 👎429

Thoughts and Prayers - meaning

A phrase used to show support for somebody going through a hard time. It's been adopted by uncaring and radical leftists as a perjorative by Godless heathens living with their parents, who despise the Constitution and the protection it provides American citizens. It's most commonly used as a derogatory phrase by liberals to make fun of people of faith.

"Did you hear a mentally deranged Bernie Sanders supporting liberal shot a bunch of unarmed Senators playing baseball?"

"Hahaha yeah that's funny, I'm sending my "thoughts and prayers". By the way could you ask your Mom to bring us some Cheesy Poofs next time she comes down to the basement?"

"Yeah. Hey let's smoke this bowl then go buy a new video game with your unemployment check"

👍37 👎59

Thoughts and Prayers - definition

Basically the kind way of saying "I don't give a flying fuck"

Random tragedy happens

Random Guy: "Thoughts and Prayers for so-and-so."
Same Random Guy: "Eh, what was it about? Nah, who cares?"

👍135 👎61

Thoughts and Prayers - slang

Typical phrase conveying artificial care and concern for people adversely affected by any number of situations in life; a phrase used in fake concern by people knowing damn well they're not going to do anything to help

Our thoughts and prayers are with Anna, who was diagnosed with a brain tumor. Now that that's out of the way, did y'all see Love & Hip-Hop last night?

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Thoughts and Prayers

Everyone says, but very few actually do.

It's basically a polite way of telling someone that what they're going through sucks but it's not your problem

Now, if you ACTUALLY keep the person in your thoughts and prayers, AND make at least some effort to help them, then you're using this phrase with meaning. But most people use this phrase to politely say they don't give a damn about what you're going through.

The Correct Usage:

Jake: My Mom died.

Dan: Thoughts and Prayers for you guys

Jake: Dude is that really all you can give me?

Dan: No, I actually mean it, we can talk about it whenever you want and I'm always here for you. I had something similar happen a while ago.

Wrong Usage

Jake: My Mom Died

Dan: Thoughts and Prayers

Jake: Is that all you've got to help?

Dan: Yeah, I'm going through some tough crap too, my Instagram account got locked

👍83 👎23

Thoughts and Prayers

What people say when they want to feel like they're helping but they don't want to actually get off their butts and help.

Person 1: "My mom is in the hospital in critical condition."
Person 2: "I'm sending my thoughts and prayers."

👍449 👎131

Thoughts and Prayers

"I don't care but Im gonna act like I do so people will like me"

Oh, shit Insert Random Rapper died? I don't even know this guy but "Thoughts and Prayers" 🙏🙏🙏

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