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What is Thigh fucking?

A day to appreciate thigh fucking because thighs are amazing and unappreciated

Thigh fucking is so unappreciated! Let's make it known with national thigh fuck day

👍35 👎11

Thigh fucking - video


Thigh fucking - what is it?

Th act of spreading mayonaise or some type of slippery supstance onto a girls thighs and adding a collection of hair. You proceed to fuck the shit out of her thighs. Used mostly by Mormons in replacement of actual sex.

Dude, last night Mary and I were thigh fucking when her dad entered the room only to get a giant chub.

👍165 👎241

What does "Thigh fucking" mean?

When a man inserts his penis between a woman's thighs, just under her vagina and fucks her thighs till he cums. This can be done in many different positions, like: the woman bends over the bed, face to face, or when the woman has her back to the man. This is a very nice sexual act since, a woman's thighs are really smooth.

I inserted my cock between her smooth thighs and started to move in and out of them. They we SO SOFT AND SMOOTH!! I was behind her, so when I came, she put her hands over my cock and let me cum on her hands. Then she licked my cum off her hands.

A few minutes after I thigh fucked her again and again.

👍455 👎131

Thigh fucking - what does it mean?

When you fuck someone in the thighs with your dick. Have fun

Me: hey want to Thigh Fuck
Friend: WTF no why

👍135 👎19