Definder - what does the word mean?

What is The fluff?

To prepare a pornographic actor for a sexual scene.
To arouse a participant in preparation for a recoreded sexual act.

His evening job was a fluffer.
I was fluffing this guy...
Inadequately fluffed star.

👍1907 👎1261

The fluff - video


The fluff - what is it?

Something vacuous, such as a verbal statement, without any particular meaning or value.

Irrelevant details that may cloud the issue of main concern.

His annoying fluff statements during meetings are a distration and waste of time.

👍703 👎425

What does "The fluff" mean?

fat child who eats other peoples food without owners consent, and stores the left overs in his fanny pack ( in fluffs often hide near trash cans or brown cars, when a hungry in fluff is desperate it may feast upon ferns, grasses, or jungle cats) One might describe a in fluff as a portly boy,or one with a bowl cut. If a teen does not take extreme caution when sleeping a in fluff may feed upon yellow puss of the teens zit.

Have you seen william lately he's looking a lot like an in fluff.
I'm sick and tired of these in fluffs coming in and eating my vegetation.

👍31 👎11

The fluff - what does it mean?

Meaning, to have a lot of romance kisses and such, not being sexual basically a platonic relationship.

This FanFic has a lot of Fluff in it for it to be yaoi.

👍91 👎33

The fluff - meaning

Another word for "Unnecessary bullshit". In general, describing something that is pointless or has no real reason for its existence. Is often pronounced "flaff".

Oi, We'll have none of that fluff!

👍627 👎279

The fluff - definition

1. A kind of fanfic which has a happy ending or generally happy content, rather than smut (pornography) or angst (sad stuff).

'I wrote some fluff' OR 'that fic had a lot of fluff in it.'

👍2433 👎713

The fluff - slang

A fanfic which the story has no plot. Only humourous or romantic nonsense.

*after reading a story* What a cute fluff!

👍3231 👎883

The fluff

Only realness, nothing superficial. Not at the surface, but the deep.

It's a way of being. You're only real.

Do you really like this?
Of course, no fluff ✨

👍25 👎11

The fluff

Fan-fiction that is cute or adorable. Makes you want to squeeze something because of how cute the scene is. Just overall adorableness between people.

That scene where he was nervous to hold her hand and was worried all about it, then she took his hand..... Just so much fluff, I can't handle it.

👍465 👎43

The fluff

Cute things in a relationship such as cuddles and kisses, not sexual.

"What happened last night"
"Nothing much just some fluff"

👍1437 👎127