Definder - what does the word mean?

What is The emo trinity?

Fans of the Emo Trinity and Emo Quartet, or My Chemical Romance, Panic! At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, and Twenty One Pilots, will often call themselves members of the Holy Emo Trinity Church. They worship Brendon Urie and Gerard Way as the gods Beesus and Geesus. The religionโ€™s holy texts are Wattpad fan fictions, especially the Milk Fic. Cheez Whiz baptisms are often preformed. This all started due to Gerard Way famously singing in the song *G-NOTE WARNING* Welcome to the Black Parade that he would be the savior of the broken, the beaten, and the damned, much like Geesus.

Mia: Members of the Holy Emo Trinity Church are weird...
Mia: *sprints*

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The emo trinity - video


The emo trinity - what is it?

The Holy Emo Trinity consists of three โ€œemoโ€ bands; My Chemical Romance, Panic! at the disco and Fall Out Boy. Sometimes people may include Twenty ร˜ne Pilรธts, making it the emo quartet.

a: hey do you listen to the holy emo trinity?
b: no.. but i listen to tรธp

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What does "The emo trinity" mean?

A Trinity of "Emo" bands, Panic! at the Disco, My Chemical Romance, & Fall Out Boy.

Mike: "Oh my god. I can't get enough of the Holy Emo Trinity!"
Chelsea: "Me either! OMG Brendon's forehead is so glorious."

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The emo trinity - what does it mean?

A bunch of emo guys, like Brendon Urie and Gerard Way.
They're so sweet and their music is great

A: do you know emo trinity?
B: yeah! My fav is My Chemical Romance

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The emo trinity - meaning

A parody of the Holy Trinity consisting of the musical groups Panic! At The Disco, My Chemical Romance, and Fall Out Boy despite the fact that the musical groups are not truly emo.

Jenny: The emo trinity is not emo.
Sabrina: Oh my God, yes they are! Why else would they be considered emo?
Jenny: Okay, they're "mall emo".

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The emo trinity - definition

A group of bands consisting of Panic! At The Disco, My Chemical Romance and Fall Ouy Boy. Each band represents a branch of "emo" or punk music. Panic! At The Disco represents electronic punk. Fall Out Boy represents punk rock. My Chemical Romance represents hardcore or metal punk. Most of the listeners of these three bands are girls but many are guys. Plenty of the girls are much more unique and creative than regular white girls.

Girl#1: Hey what are your favorite bands
Girl#2: I really like Fallout boy, Panic! And mcr
Girl#1:you like the emo trinity? Me too

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The emo trinity - slang

Includes the three bands: My Chemical Romance, Panic! At The Disco & Fall Out Boy. The bands and their fans are considered "emo".

Emo Trinity really makes the best music!

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The emo trinity

The emo trinity is three bands. Fall out boy, panic! At the disco and my chemical romance. If you like these bands you are considered to be in the 'emo trinity'

She likes fall out boy, panic! At the disco and my chemical romance, damn she must be in the emo trinity

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The emo trinity

Emo Trinity is a joke about My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy and Panic! at the Disco because of their "emo style" in their earlier years.
- MCR - Holy Spirit (we can't see them, but they're always there for us)
- P!ATD - God (P!ATD still exists, despite there's only one member left)
- FOB - Jesus (they disbanded is 2009, but they resurrected later)

Seems like fans of Emo trinity bands are really crazy.

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The emo trinity

The emo trinity is a group (named by the fans) that consists of three emo bands. The bands are fall out boy, panic at the disco, and twenty รธne pilรธts. All of these bands are close and are loved equally among all of their fans. They will become soon legends.

Wow, I just listened to a mashup of the emo trinitys music for like 3 hours!

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