Definder - what does the word mean?

What is The Peg?

dildo in assπŸ™„

i pegged my bf today

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The Peg - video


The Peg - what is it?

When a male recieves a length of dildo in the ass, carefully delivered by a female using a strap on.

Craig looks forward to being pegged on a Friday night by his beloved Babs.

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What does "The Peg" mean?

When a girl straps a dildo dick on herself and gives the guy a lesson on the 7th planet in our solar system

Francine: "hey Peter, want me to give you a lesson on the 7th planet with a good pegging?" *She said strapping on a dildo*
Peter: 😏

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The Peg - what does it mean?

Butt stuff, but no homo bro

β€œYou’ve had something up your ass bro? That’s gay” β€œNo bro, my girls just into pegging me”

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The Peg - meaning

a man who recieved a strap on dildo in the ass from a woman

Jake was pegged from behind by Jane.

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The Peg - definition

When a woman fucks a guy with a strap on

Sub guys love pegging

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The Peg - slang

A term coined by sex advice columnist Dan Savage that refers to an act of love making that involves a woman with a strap-on dildo anally penetrating her male partner.

Jennifer pegged the shit out of John last night; I bet he won't be able to sit down for a week.

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The Peg

pegging is when a girl wears a strap-on dildo and penetrates a man from behind (she basically fucks him with a dildo)

girl: let me peg you 😏😏
guy: yes ma’am πŸ™β€οΈ

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The Peg

Nickname for the city of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Lets go to The Peg and score some drugs

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The Peg

Nickname for the city of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

Lets go to The Peg and score some drugs

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