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What is The Browning?

Also known as rubbing one out or masturbating..

I looked through the window and caught him browning it, real nice and slow.

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The Browning - video


The Browning - what is it?

A social media account pretending to be a member of a marginalized community, especially gay or black, in order to defend conservative views.

Based on Dean Browning, conservative county commissioner, who got caught trying to defend one of his tweets as a β€œblack gay guy”. His intention was to use a sock puppet account but he forgot to switch accounts before he commented.

The comment defending anti-gay legislation came from a Browning account.

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What does "The Browning" mean?

The term refers to an action taken on by a hotel guest or a party guest.

1. When a hotel guest leaves the room and takes everything with them: soap, towels, amenities, ice bucket, pillows - anything specifically not bolted down or too heavy for one person to carry. A hotel guest that is given food and beverage amenities and takes them all is a good example.

2. When a party guest is invited to someone's house and takes with them a miniscule party favor. Then they begin to eat five plates of food that other guests brought and they take a to go box with them when they leave the party.

Hotel General Manager: "Let's go check out that VIP room that we had all of those special amenities sent to."

Rooms Division Manager: " I already did, the dude Browned us. I thought Room Service already took out the amenity tray, but even the plates got Browned."

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The Browning - what does it mean?

Common UK slang term for Heroin.

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The Browning - meaning

Dual lines of gunpowder and cocaine. The gunpowder actually has no effect other than pain and any dillusional experiences are purely placebo induced.

Its given to child soldiers in fucked up countries of africa prior to battle.

snap outta it dude brown brown is just placebo

dammit dude why did u tell me that now im of my high

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The Browning - definition

An amazing concoction consisting of high-grade cocaine and gun powder that causes people to go nuts.

Brett was having a fairly boring evening until he hit up the brown brown and killed someone.

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The Browning - slang

Brown-brown is a form of powdered cocaine, cut with powder from gun cartridges. Commonly given to child soldiers in West African armed conflicts,1 the drug gained notoriety after it was used by Nicolas Cage's character, Yuri Orlov, in the 2005 film Lord of War

Wanna do some brown brown?

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The Browning

A mixture of cocaine and gunpowder.

a line of brown-brown got me all fired up.

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The Browning

the mixture of cocaine and gunpowder

we snorted brown brown last night and were trippin balls

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The Browning

One of the worst band ever to come out in a long time. The best way they can be described is if Daft Punk got raped by Bring me the Horizon, The Browning would be the Bastard Love child. They are a very shitty mix of Techno and Grindcore/Deathcore.

The name The Browning doesn't lie. It does leave a brown stain.

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