Definder - what does the word mean?

What is That REAL?

One who tells the truth about EVERYTHING including themselves. Positive and negative

I keep it real at all times.

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That REAL - video


That REAL - what is it?

seriously, for real

that bitch was fine, on the real

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What does "That REAL" mean?

-Something that is beyond real
-Anything that is a good(buy, deal..etc)

1.That head unit is that real real kid, you should get that

2.You can trust this kid, hes real real

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That REAL - what does it mean?

a game played by watching Deal or No Deal and trying to decide if the woman holding the case chosen to be opened has real or fake boobs.

Todays round of real or no real was too easy, they all had implants!

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That REAL - meaning


my mother died and idk what to do


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That REAL - definition

essentially you say this when you relate to/agree with someone or something. its similar to for real (fr) in the way that people would say β€œi *insert action here* fr” on tiktok and twitter. it is said in the comment sections of tiktoks or in the repost messages of reposts you find on your for you page (fyp) on tiktok.

TL;DR when someone says something you agree with you would respond with β€œreal”.

guy 1: i like watching little kids at the park trip and fall on their ugly faces

guy 2: real

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That REAL - slang

1)Really, I'm not lying, seriously
2)You serious? Really? You telling the truth

1)Yo I tore up that pink cookie dawg on the real
2)Yo Carlos got locked up again
On the real?

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Real-world reality, as opposed to TV or movie reality.

What he did with that car was not movie real, man. It was real real -- through the fence, over the approach and into a barn. No shit. And he walked away.

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a more expressive form of for real.

This ganj is the shit, for real real.

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Used to imply complete seriousness. Honestly.

For real for real, when I walked in the room, he was making out with the dog.

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