Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Teeny Boppers?

Realistically,a "teeny bopper" is a young American between the ages of 12 and 19 who are very easily manipulated by pop culture.Often critisized because of their inability to think for themselves,"teeny boppers" also have a bad reputation for doing whatever pop culture tells them to do to fit in and be "cool" or "down with it".They are very easy targets for sex,profits of different sorts,and prep crowd poularity contests.Their self inflicted drama(which is often orchestrated through wispers,text messaging,gossip and appearance)can safely be regarded as gospel.Generally speaking,they base everything in all aspects of their lives off of appearance and are refered to by mature adults as "shallow".This will never go away in the American society and will only manifest as pop culture becomes even more ignorant.The only cure is for them to take education seriously and find faith in their lives.But since everything is a joke now-a-days,don't get your hopes up for this happening anytime in the next millenium!

Teeny boppers on "American Idol",teeny boppers on MTV.(sad to say;MTV used to be a music channel!)A fatal flaw in a well established American society that values honor,God,integrity, education and respect.When these "teeny boppers" become adults,they will be the ones to strip these essential ingredients from the American heart,essentialy,making them more dangerous than the "terrorists" themselves.

👍591 👎137

Teeny Boppers - video


Teeny Boppers - what is it?

Specimen; Teeny Bopper ; (genus; Teenikin bopperili.)

General Description:
In this case, we are observing the ‘AzN~~~~’ subspecies of TB, each race, generally has their own kind of TB, but this is the one I am most familiar with.

Likes: Name Brands, Any car that was featured on Initial D, Morning Glory, Sanrio, Zogabi, Sticker Photos, Dream Photos, Daytona, Counter-strike, WarCraft, Bitching, Backstabbing, Heavily Peroxided Hair.

Dislikes: Not being able to afford name brands, Other TB’s, Anyone deemed ‘cooler’ than themselves, People who don’t wear name brands, people with black hair, anyone that isn’t AzN~~~~.

Can Be Seen At: LAN Café’s, VA, Excalibur, Whitehouse, Chapel St, Outside underage Club venues (most popular being Salt, Soul, Red, Blue, Green, Magenta.), Hanging around State Library, Sticker Photo shops, Morning Glory, the “CT”, Box Hill, “Glenny” “Shoppo”

Can’t Live Without: Mobile Phone (with enough dangly decorations to cause a landslide, and little fluffy things the size of a small child, and photo compatibility to add to their plethora of photos taken with all their TB friends they don’t actually like), Trends to follow, “Pocket Money” (has been known to rival the family fortune of some lower income households.)

-------------Demeano ur
(Towards Males) Ridiculously Cute, Ditzy, Disarmingly Nice, (This, is scientifically proven to be all an act, to attract a TB of the opposite sex, who, unknowingly will be sucked dry (emotionally, financially, more the latter) and discarded in a few weeks. Much like those Praying Mantis things you see on the Discovery Channel.)

(Towards Females) Calculating (ie. Breast size, or in fact, any evidence of chestal baggage whatsoever), Cold, Extremely Snobby, Backstabbing, General Bitch. (When Males of the genus are not around, the real personality of the Female ‘AzN’ TB comes to the fore. Most evident in the many enemies they make during their regular incursions into other TB’s territories (The female of the species is much like the Male of certain large predatory cats, in that they roam a wide and well defined boundary, with a desired number of Males within, worshipping them. The only time a Male will see this side, is when they are in a relationship with one, and by then it is too late.)

(Towards Females) Overtly Loud Mouthed trash talking gangsters.

(Towards Males) Overtly Loud Mouthed trash talking gangsters. Extremely Competitive, love talking themselves up. Tends to over exaggerate, everything, including attractiveness, their “admirers”, and their “rice ride”.

-------------Disting uishing Features
Hair colour: Never ever Black, due to perceived ‘uncoolness’ of having
a natural hair colour. Can vary from either “I washed my hair with industrial strength cleaner” blonde to “I have just enough colouring to be cool” brown. May also involve highlights of other, cuteness enhancing colours.

Hair Style: Whatever is trendy in Japan/Hong Kong/Korea. Hair if needed to be clipped, usually full of “cuteness enhancing” pink/blue hello kitty/pucca/blue bear/morning glory clips. Takes at least 45 minutes to create. Is more artificial than biological, due to repeated chemical straightening/permin g treatments. There has been an cases of the hair actually taking on a life of it’s own, and controlling the TB itself (Because of the little difference in demeanour between a regular TB and one affected with the above disorder is so minute, the number of victims is unknown.)

Hair Colour: See Females. Although, replace cuteness with ‘Hardcaw gangstaZ’
Hair Style: There are two main types. Down or Up. Down is either a middle part, or something stemming from the “middle part” (commonly known as ‘Default Asian Hair’) “Up” generally involves
. Well
 depending on ‘hardcoreness’ the length of the spikes increase accordingly. Has been compared to stelecmites and antlers on a deer. Both involving an environmentally unfriendly amount of hair product, sometimes even more than the Female TB.

-------------Clothin g: Generally, extremely fixated on brand names (that they’ve stolen, or haggled from some black market in Chinatown or Malaysia), and will go to no end to bring up talk about clothes in general conversation, just so they can talk about what brand they are wearing. “Hey, like my new pants/top/scarf?”

-------------Females :
Would Like: Anything by Ralph Lauren, Banana Republic, Sass and Bides, etc.
Actually Wears: Supre, Miss Shop, Misc. Imitation Clothes from South East Asia, Anything deemed cute or “KaWaAaIiizZzZ~~~!!¬ !~~” by peers. Also, has an abnormal affinity with scarves and spray-paint jeans (with flares that can envelope a developing nation), even in hot weather. Very fickle, and will change entire wardrobe according to what the girl they hate is wearing. Simliar to normal girls clothes, but usually 1 or 5 sizes smaller. Wardrobe in severe cases is worth more than the house which houses them.

Would Like: Anything by Ralph Lauren, Tommy Hilfinger, Hugo Boss etc.
Actually Wears: Mooks, Giodarno, Stussy, Imitation Clothes from South East Asia
Exclusively dresses in the colours: white black and tan. Clothes are either on the “suss” side of tight, or the “homeboy” side of baggy (usually with the waistband hovering about the skinny boy’s ankles).

-------------Languag e
TB’s speak in a total sub dialect of English, which normal people have the capability of understanding, but this involves an incredible amount of brainpower that only 60% of the population possesses. When speaking the males of the species tend to say “Man” “Yo” “bro” “dude” and “sup” a lot, interspersed with a lot of grunting and head nodding. The Females, on the other hand, are somewhat at the other hand of the scale, as they tend to run words together, producing an entirely incomprehensible babble eg: “weeeeeiiheywhatchuu ptotodayhowyabeenive beenkewlhaveyouseenm ynewscarfisntitcuteo hmygodmyphonesringin gsorry”.

Their language deteriorates even more online, where communicating with a TB is akin to talking to a Giant SMS message, with more pictures. Eg. Common phrases encountered online include:

Hi, how are you?
"e3iOwO3zZ HuNN4iiZz~!!! mwAahZ~! wAtcHuZ b3eN aRpzZ `2~~~??"

I must be going now, I’ll talk to you another time.
"o3wZz~~ ai` gOtz tA gO3Z bUbBi3Z~~~ iMMa tOrk `2 yOoHz `8rZ mMk4iiZ~??"

Good bye.
"bUh`b4iZz~~!! MwaHhZz~!! LuB chUuZ~!!! (k)(l)(f)"

Oh no.
“OmiiGaWdzZ~~!!! OmGzZzzZZZ~!!!!!!!!1 11one”

I don’t think that girl is very nice.
“OmiFaRk`N gAwDzzZ dAt b!tCh~???!!!!?!!!”

I find that hilarious.
“LoLLi3z~!!! rOfFl3Zz~!! LoOlzZ~!! K3k3k3k.. shOo faRn3yZ~~!!!??!!”

Do you like the present I received from my boyfriend; isn’t it pretty?
“OmiGaWdzZ~~~aAAwwWz z~~ mAii bOO gAb diZ 2 me3hZ~!! ai LuBz mAi huNnaiiZ~~!!!! itSh shOo pw3ttiii~!!!!”

I don’t know.
“iuNnOeZz~!!” or “ieRnO3z~~!!” or “*shwuGz*”

Hello how are you? - "supz" or “sarp” commonly followed by “man, dude or manGz”

Yes, thank you - "yer"

No, I dont want to - "nar"

I don’t know. - “the fk?”

I've got to go, i'll speak to you again another time. - "gtg man"

Goodbye - "l8r"

I find her very attractive - "fkn hot bish"

Oh my, that news really surprises me - "fk man"

I think you are being unfair, and hostile. - "fk u man"

Perhaps you should think before you say something quite so unjust? - "stfu newb"

Would you like to accompany me upon an outing? - "go cs man"

---------------Gener al Language Notes

How to say “love”: luV, LuBz, wuV, wuBz, h34rTz, riC3 bOi 4 foUndaSh`N kwe3n, me3hZ 4 yoOhZ, and the most perplexing of them all

“eshtOOhs” - is "ess, too".. meaning, "s" and "2".. meaning.. "s2" meaning.. "heart".. meaning "love"; “OmiGawDzZ RiC3 bOi esHtOOhZ FoUndAsHuN Kw3eN”.

Affectionate names: huN, huNnaiiZ, beYbiiZ, baiBaiZ, buBbi3z, buU, bOO

1. asian teeny bopper
oHmahGwdz .. lOokS aT diS .. sOo fKen PweTtyFulLiEzz ..~~!

2. normal person

hey, look , this looks really nice.

👍1113 👎267

What does "Teeny Boppers" mean?

Annoying 13-15 year old girls who write the name's of popular bands on there backpacks and when you ask them what they like about the band all they can say "Ummm, I just like there one song thats on MTV a lot" but in the next sentence are like "they rock they're the best band ever". Also, they never know where any of the bands they "like" are from or what they're record label is

Ugh teeny boppers, sie mĂŒssen sterben!!!

👍239 👎51

Teeny Boppers - what does it mean?

Stupid girls of ages 10-14 who squeal and giggle so much that Satan is willing to drag them back to hell. They brag about their boyfriends and show them off during lunch by sitting in a table full of shitty stupid 'couples'. They like pink and listen to stupid bubblegum pop and think they are teenagers and try to hard to act like them. They cry when they see a pimple...FOR FUCKIN SAKE ITS JUST A PIMPLE!!! IT'LL GO AWAY AND WHO THE HELL WILL CARE IF YOU HAVE A PIMPLE!!!??? They think they're all that and dress in pink, purple, mini-skirts, and T-shirts that say, 'Pop princess', or 'Ms. Attitude' and other crap like that. They like typing like this: 'l00k AnN I hAvE a NeW cElL!!! I kAn sLeEp OvEr yay!!! Like We CaN caLl up the B0iZ and pAiNt oUr naILz!!! g2g bi!!!!' it is so annoying. They think they're all that just because they have 'boyfriends'. They don't know the true definition of that word. They often write in their online journals, 'I lOvE jAsOn hE iS sO HotT I waNna Kiz hiM!!!!' When asked about their favorite hobby, they all scream like sluts, "SHOPPING!!!!"

Bopper: Hi WuSsUp hOmIe???
Me: You boppers suck serious ass. O_o

👍8017 👎1967

Teeny Boppers - meaning

The group of young, rich, hyper 10-15 year old girls that make up a good 50% of students in our public school system. They tend to hunt in packs (cliques). Annoying as hell.

Teeny boppers are commonly mis-identified as preps.

In the nineties, teeny boppers worshipped N*SYNC.

👍219 👎45

Teeny Boppers - definition

The ethnic group Hitler would focus on instead if he were alive today.

Teeny Bopper: Let's all get ice-cream sodas!
Hitler: Kommen sie um!

👍7667 👎1463

Teeny Boppers - slang

9-15 year old chicks who like wearing clothing that says shit like "Pink Princess" or "Yas" or other shit like that. they worship these shitty people like Nsync, backstreet boys, britney spears, miley cyrus, nicki minaj, and stupid shit like that. i hate them.

For example:
Teeny bopper: o MaH gaDzZZZ!!!! jUsTiN is lYKKkKeE sO hOt i wAnnA kiSS hIm aNd hAvE sEXX YaZZzzZ
Me, a real girl: I can fucking pull out my fucking AK-47 and shoot you until you are just a burnt crisp.
So teeny boppers are bitches.

👍33 👎13

Teeny Boppers

Teeny Boppers are a crowd of girl(s) who have huge obsessions with the biggest sensations: Miley Cyrus, Jonas Brothers, Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, Twilight, ect. They tend to write childish comments on blogs and fourms. They also like Hollywood couples such as: Niley (Miley Cyrus and Nick Jonas), Nelena (Selena Gomez and Nick Jonas), Jemi (Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas) and ect. And tend to fight with those who dislike the Jonas Brothers, Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato.

Teeny Boppers:

Girl 1: OMG!!! i luv Miley Cyrus she's soo pretty and i luv her music!!!!
Girl 2: ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG hav u heard her new single it's just awesome!!!! miley is the best singer ever!!!!

Girl 2: MARRY ME NICK!!!!!!!
Girl 1: Selena Gomez is soo pretty and a wonderful actress :)))

👍115 👎57

Teeny Boppers

Teeny Boppers are usally quite girly and glam (trying to be) or Wemo (wanna be emo) or a Poser of some sort.

1. The girly pretty princess noncense is very much envyed by many teens, teeny boppers are usally about 9 to 13 in my case.The girly boppers think the world of there self and think they are also as 'cool' as the popular gangs. They go on IM alot (MSN). Mostly they speak like this:

1 They can't finish a sentence with out like 1 like million like likes....

2 ThEy ThInK ItS wAy CoOl tO uSe DiFfErEnT

3 Some tend to use smiley faces like:

+ = :) *_* and so on to only teeny boppers do so though (its sort of a trend hehe!)

4 They Love bands that are mainstream and disney music such as HSM (High School Musical) JoBros (Jonas Brothers) And Hannah Montanna (miley Cyrus). They do not usallylike the music for its talent normally (i stress normally) for the music thats 'in'

Type Two 2 Teeny Boppers

Yes, I dread but its the WEMO's for ones that don't know what this is its wanna be emo/Scenes/Goths and Punks.Not all 9-13 kids are Teeny Boppersor WEMO's but if they are failing badly yu can tell for example;

Try to be sad to fit in
Try to wear Black to fit in
Or just think they are all it by saying im a Punk_*Princess* kiss kiss blahh blahh... and try o have silly girly scene names.
but again some 9-13 are not posers!

To some it up there are to different types of teeny Boopers but not all are what they seam andjust because someone uses x or _ doesnt mean they are a TB

Teeny Boppers(): Hey Like OMG!!!...!111Im so like finking MCR is so like In like HAWTT!x=3 init girlly friend coe onhunzcYaxXxxOMFG!!x
Scene GIrl your Perfetic..
TB like omg i can'tbeliev that like im so hot like im nine and like i have myspace blahh blahh blahh
Scene *walks away* Mutters to self....

Not everyones lie that rubbish example hehe!=P.s not every Teeny Bopper is nine with a Myspace i am Rubbish with exaples

👍155 👎77

Teeny Boppers

A teeny bopper is usually a pre-teen, or tween female ranging from age 10, youngest at 8, to 14. They read magazines like "Twist" and "M" and "J-14" and other lame, glossy, faux celeb junk like that. They sit in little snobby cliques, are usually under or over weight, have anorexia, friends of cutters, and like to think they are all that. The teeny bopper natural enviroment is middle school, and late upper elementary school, or early high school. The easy way to NOT be a teeny bopper is simply hate them. They type like this: OmG!!!!LyKe WaT r U doin'? Lyke, WaNnA hAnG oUt ON, lyke, lyke, lyke, omg? Lyke no way! KoOoOLlLlL!! They often wear baby-doll t-shirts that say crap like "Punk Princess", or "Watch Out!" or at the worst cases, "Future Mrs.(Name of teeny bopper celeb)".

Teeny Boppers in my school love junk. I hate them all.

👍105 👎33