Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Jemi?

A wonderful person

You’re lucky to have Jemy as a friend

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Jemi - meme gif

Jemi meme gif

Jemi - video


Jemi - what is it?

A club/crudgel used to beat down someone.

With my jemy in my hand

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What does "Jemi" mean?

A very handsome strong male, who can attract any woman in sight. Also very good at everything wether it be games or driving "he" will always be the ultimate.

Damn that kid sure is one hell of a "Jemi"!

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Jemi - what does it mean?

The couple name for Joe Jonas and Demi Lovato. Many speculated they have been dating since they met on the set of Camp Rock. Recently Demi confronted the rumors and said it was true.

"Jemi is the new Zanessa."

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Jemi - meaning

Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas 's name put together as a couple

More info below

"Im such a huge Jemi fan !"

"Jemi's new baby is here !"

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