Definder - what does the word mean?

What is TO BE DOWN?

1. To be 'With It or in 'the know how', knowledgeable about something, or to give respect/recognition to something.
2. To be keen for something.
3. To be friends with someone or to spend time with them. 'Gettin Down' means to fuck them.
4. To have something 'Down Pat' or well perfected.
5. To be in agreeance with someone or something.

1. "Oh yeah...I'm down with what yo talking."
"I'm down for some Redman."
2. "Are you down to get a feed?"
3. "I'm pretty down with her."
"I was 'gettin down' with her the other night."
4. "You gotta have your kickflips 'down pat'."
5. "Wanna go for a skate?"
"Yeah, I'm down."

👍2357 👎801

TO BE DOWN - video


TO BE DOWN - what is it?

an expression of interest and approval of an idea that one hasn't considered before, or as to hint that you want to do something that hasn't been suggested yet.

A: I never been with a dude before, i am a little nervous.

B: You want a hummer?
A: Yeah, I'd be down with that.


A: I just can't think of what to do for your birthday.
B: I'd be down with a pair of diamond earrings.
A: ok!

Verb to be down

i'd be down
you'd be down
it'll be down
we be down
they down

👍237 👎67

What does "TO BE DOWN" mean?

drink quickly

The Cuckoo Clock

At about 3AM, I was drunk as a skunk because there was a lot of voddy. So, with a certain time limit, I did down it. I came home just in time to hear the cuckoo clock cuckoo three times. Quickly coming up with a plan, I cuckooed nine more times, hoping my wife would think it was midnight. I was very proud of myself.

The next day, my wife asked what time I got home, and I replied, "Midnight, just like I said."

She said that was good, and for some reason she said we needed a new cuckoo clock. When I asked why, she answered, "Last night when it cuckooed midnight, it cuckooed three times, said 'S%!t!,' cuckooed four more times, farted, cuckooed three times, cleared its throat, cuckooed two more times and then started giggling.

👍337 👎97

TO BE DOWN - what does it mean?

Derived from the definition of "downlow" which was taken from the African-American Community. Brought in by the Filipino/Asian-American Male & Female LGBT community. Reinvented into the word "DownE" with a capital "E" expressed during the hype of the raving/exstacy scene which began to popularize in the early 90's. Giving those who are on the "downlow" a more open environment (i.e. E-parties.) Those using the term "DownE" also used it to seperate themselves from society's stereotype of a Gay Asian Male, as well as Gay Asian Female. As a means of communication. The internet played a major role in the growth in popularity for the word "Downe." With websites such as, the definition of "downe" is constantly changing. A good thing or a bad thing, take it as you will. From my opinion, the definition can't be found on any dictionary. Define it for yourself. Whether it be just another term for being Gay, Lesbian, Etc. or make it mean more to you than just a label.

Do you remember the downe scene back in 96? Now thats taking it way back to it's roots.

👍579 👎167

TO BE DOWN - meaning

A reference to the genetalia of either a man or woman

Girl to guy- "Yeah, don't you owe me a trip down there?"

👍251 👎61

TO BE DOWN - definition

Phrase that indicates one is not willing to do something. There can be different ways to use this. Commonly used in Orange County, California.

1. Jason: You're not down to go to Flamebroiler!

Aaron: I'm so down!

2 Jason:Let's go to Brea!

Aaron: Nah bro. Not today. Maybe next week.

Jason: what!?Not Down.

👍101 👎21

TO BE DOWN - slang

Ok with that, its cool, alright

We can chill with my crew if you're down with that

👍239 👎49


A male or female,
commonly of Asian decent (particularly Filipino)
who IS out of the closet,
but not necessarily OUT and OPEN,
regarding their sexuality,
tending to keep their homo/bi sexuality
on the "down low"

Most people classifying themselves as "downE"
tend to do so out of avoidance of
family-related, religion-related, culture-related,
or society-related reasons,
IE: Fearing persecution, or
not quite being ready,
or wanting to be,
completely OUT in the OPEN.

the 3 types of Non-Heterosexual people:
Out: completely open regarding sexuality, carefree, confident. Out people tend to be the sterotypical, flamboyant, but not always.

In: in the closet, denying their bi/homosexuality to themselves and others when it is obvious that they are NOT heterosexual

DownE: out of the closet, but still low key about their sexual orientation, not as obvious as OUT people, usually takes people longer to figure out which way downE people truly "swing"

👍423 👎69


"Down for it" means when you agree with a person about something .

" wanna face time?"

Sure I'm down for it

👍221 👎23


1. Referring to the trip to a magical land(or place).

"Alice fell in the rabbit hole and went down down down."

👍43 👎31