Definder - what does the word mean?

What is TOSSED?

either something you do to a salad, or another word for wanking. or wanking into a salad.

jamie oliver said "it's been a good night's tossing once again, guvnah."

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TOSSED - meme gif

TOSSED meme gif

TOSSED - video


TOSSED - what is it?

toss means who cares

β€œlike toss innit”

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What does "TOSSED" mean?

(vb.) to masturbate or wank; usu. used as a verbial phrase as in 'toss off'.

Also forms 'tosser', lit. someone who masturbates, but used as a derogative.

Get outta my room you tosser! I'm not having you standing there whilst I'm tossing off.

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TOSSED - what does it mean?

1. (noun, derog.) A useless or inept man. Used in South Africa and short for tosser or wanker.
2. Throw, usually gently.
3. (in jail, police vehicle) Detain.
4. Search a place roughly with damage.
5. (back) Drink an alchoholic beverage.
6. (down) Lay prone with sexual intentions.
7. Vomit, barf, puke, spew often from excess alcohol.
8. Masturbate, wank, tug
9. (salad) Analinguis, rim, eat ass. Usage more common amongst homosexuals.

1. Why did she marry that toss?
2. Toss me the keys, please.
3. The cops tossed me in the sin bin.
4. They tossed my house looking for drugs and cut open every pillow, cushion, and matress - everything was on the floor.
5. Let's have a perv at the peel palace and toss back a few.
6. I'd love to toss (or throw) her down.
7. "He tossed his cookies and passed out cold - time to write on his face and photograph a dick on his cheek! Our gift to the soccer moms at MADD." or "Gross, I'm going to toss (my cookies)!"
8. I'm quitting tossing, um, tomorrow.
9. She was K9 and I tossed her salad with my fingers in her cunt and thumb on her button until she squirted!

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TOSSED - meaning

Mainly used in the Southern part of US mainly in Memphis.Toss is when one female is getting toss around a group of guys.

β€œDamn cuh the the whole basketball team tossed her ahh”
β€œMe and lil Jay tossed ha last night foo”

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TOSSED - definition

drunk to the sweet-spot point, where you just barely lose control of your limbs

Her dancing became a whole lot more interesting once she was tossed.

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TOSSED - slang

A person who gives sex up too any and everyone. A hoe,whore,or slut

Yeah i hit that homeboy. That girl was nothing but a toss.

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Manual stimulation of the male (or less often female) genitalia.

tossing off- masturbation)
tossing him off- (hand-job)

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The ladettes of the sixth form, often have amazing hair and disguise their own intelligence in order to appear more attractive

Gosh, the toss-toss can be so intimidating!

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The proper way to play with your hair. Be sure to say it as you do it.

And this is how you toss your hair! (Beat) Toss-toss.

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